All of these things are awful. I’m sorry 😞
@Kiarra wait so the opened arrow is around the time they added each other? None of his old chats were like that
Yes, it could just be from when they added each other . I’ve freaked the f out because of this. When he was gone for 10 days in the mountains hunting with ZERO reception, I was logged in to his account and I added some of my family members from his account. Every single one of them showed up like this. I also have the same trust issues, I say if you can leave then RUN.
Lovely he’s being awful to you. This is not anxiety please don’t blame yourself, your feelings of worry are valid because his behaviour is unacceptable.
Sweetheart you have gaslit yourself so long and now you finally wanna wake up but it’s hard cause the truth is never pretty but me personally I’ll rather get the pain out the way then to keep blinders on and stay in some shit that makes me feel insecure , less than or sad life is far to short for that shit
Hi, You can message me if you’d like- I have a somewhat different perspective. My husband loves porn. He just does. Sometimes he goes overboard and I tell him he hurts my feelings. But we were friends for over a decade when we got together and then married so this is something I know about him. I may be the weirdo, but I don’t think that your husband looking at porn means anything more than he likes porn. If he wanted to cheat-he’d cheat. He’d be looking up ways to cheat, not porn. And if he is actually watching porn with your face on it- that is truly amazing. I’ve never heard of that before and I would take that as a sign that he 1 thousand percent loves you but he is a horny guy that is making poor choices at the moment. I don’t know anything about Snapchat and him lying is a problem. None of this is hormonal- it’s all real. I would try to talk to him about why he doesn’t feel like he can tell you the truth about watching porn. And reiterate to him how much it bothers you.
Wow! He is clearly crossing all boundaries and not caring how it impacts you! Disrespect to the max xxx
I can’t message you personally, so I have to add this here- he could be a total dick, it’s hard to say. Sending ❤️. Message me if you want to talk.
I cannot believe you would even THINK this is on hormones. Absolutely not.
Why are you with him? If my partner did/said any of these things I would immediately leave. He obviously doesn’t respect you at all and he’s going to keep on doing it and crossing your boundaries because he can. You seriously deserve better and I urge you to leave him.
The only thing I will say is sometimes snap shows an “opened” message from the day yalll added each other. It wouldn’t have kept an opened arrow from a legit snap 4 years ago. So they probably added each other back around that time but unless messages were saved, you would have no idea when the last time they talked was. But sounds like you have a man who you can’t trust.