They don't need to be constantly entertained. Relax!
Independent play, even from a young age, is extremely important for mental development, and as they get older it's essential to let your babies/toddlers get bored as it fosters imagination and explorative play.
I started independent play at 3 weeks. My baby is super alert and has longer wake windows (since he was days older home from the hospital) and I decided to let him hang out on his own so l could fold his laundry in his room or cook breakfast/make coffee for me and my husband. I would stay nearby his crib or bassinet, but he loves his “alone” play time. He coos to himself, kicks his feet, chews his fingers… it’s okay to take a break and let him hang out. It’s great for their development. Just think sometimes you need your space and alone time… babies are the same, but they’re still learning everything. This also helped me keep him in the crib sleeping for longer stretches. He wakes up at night and often soothes himself back to sleep after a few minutes. And I hate to say it, but sometimes I sleep through it (and only see it later when I check his owlet sleep sock and the monitor shows he was awake for a few minutes at a time). If he doesn’t cry, I don’t disturb him. This is good!
@Amalia yeah this is exactly how my little guy is!
@Ella that’s good cos he quite enjoys laying there staring at the ceiling fan haha
Don’t feel bad. It’s actually good not to stimulate your baby 24/7. It’s healthy for them to be okay with being “bored” sometimes so they don’t expect to have constant stimulation. I’ve heard it helps with their attention span. I did the same with my son and people always compliment how calm he is
Same same but you (we) really shouldn’t feel guilty! I’m going through a phase now at 14 weeks where she Will Not be put down for more than five minutes and it’s killing me not to be able to get anything done. If they’re content, stints here and there on the playmat or in the bouncer are completely fine. Enjoy while you’re able!
I would just enjoy it to be honest, my son is not the most skilled in the independent play department (it is something we are trying to work on), whenever he is engaged with something that isn’t my face I back away quietly and get a cuppa!
It's actually crucial to allow kids to be bored (sometimes!) If they're receiving *constant* stimulation all the time it hinders their ability to self regulate their discomfort when being bored. They will seek that constant stimulation 24/7, which can lead to mood/behavioural issues. Balance is key! Have fun with your baby but don't be afraid to let them learn to entertain themselves. Both are important!!
Perfect answers!! Feel so much better I’m definitely on the right track he is so content hanging out on his own. I think it’s good he can fall asleep on his own too!
I have so much guilt with this too! My baby is 6 weeks and I’ll put him in the rocker or lay him down and he just seems so bored and miserable sometimes. I feel like I’m being a bad mom and should engage him more. But I know that’s not realistic to do. It’s still hard to not feel guilty though
@Kaitlyn as long as you're not constantly depriving him of stimulation, you're fine. You'd be neglecting him if you made sure he was *never* bored. Kids need to know how to function without someone providing them 24/7 entertainment. Don't feel guilty! You're giving him what he needs not just what you need.
It is normal to feel guilty. It’s also completely unnecessary to entertain them the entire time. If they are content, just leave them be
Babies absolutely do not need constant stimulation. They are new to the world. Lying on their back staring at the ceiling and listening to the noises in the house is literally enough stimulation.