They go through a lot of behavioral changes especially the boys. The most important thing is to redirect any bad behavior as you go and not allow anything bad from here on!! if you let them do what they want it’ll be pretty much be impossible to have them stop.
@River. (Riv) 🤍 this photo is the day we got him, and took a photo of him on the sofa. He’s actually not allowed anymore. I know it’s disheartening to hear our little dogs are allowed, but we are setting extreme boundaries like no bed, no couch, no going out the door or down the stairs before us.. trying to make him feel as low on the totem pole as possible. We have to considering we have toy dogs. 🤣
@River. (Riv) 🤍 thank you for the advice!! I’m already kind of expecting the behavioral changes 🫠
SO adorable!!!