Looks like a very early positive. Would you be able to get a blood hcg test? if you need to know quickly that might be the way to go x
If you take the test strip out of a Clearblue test then the strip will almost always have 2 lines. Taking it out makes the test void. With the bottom two tests I’d say there’s definitely a line but it also depends on how long you left the test. It could be an evap line? Maybe try again first thing tomorrow with another of the strip tests and see what it says then? X
@Emma I had negative clear blues and positive red dyes when I first found out I was pregnant. I spent a while in limbo after the first positive as the CB’s said negative so I wasn’t sure but after about 6/7 days, my HCG was high enough and I got a faint positive on there too. I booked an early scan when I should’ve been 7 weeks and turned out I was only 5. They told me it’s likely the pregnancy just stopped progressing at 5 as he said my yolk sac was empty and no fetal pole seen. No MC symptoms in the 2 weeks after so I was invited back for free and I was then measuring 7 weeks and heard my sons heartbeat! It turned out I just ovulated a lot later than usual, which would explain the confusing tests to begin with as I would’ve been really really early! He’s now 17 months 🫣 I personally found the Poundland FirstVue tests the best!! Any pink dye is recommended tho or do bloods at gp Xxx
Before I actually fell pregnant I kept testing positive on the cheap one and when I went to the doctors I had a UTI and they said some tests don’t actually test for the pregnancy hormone it tests for any increase in any hormone so might be worth checking in at the doctors just to see if an imbalance x
Not suppose to open digital they always have two lines
But the bottom two are positive get the digital that says test six days sooner it’s a little more expensive but work for me
Clear blue digitals actually only have 1 line when they’re positive and it doesn’t even matter about the lines because it depends of if the test has a reaction to hcg hence the darkness of the line. Here I opened up my clear blue 6 days early I took at 4 weeks 6 days and there’s only 1 dark line
Digitals need more HCG to show positive,it’s probably too early for that yet. I’d try a sensitive test such as a first response 6 days early or a boots red dye 6 days early,they’re both very sensitive. Good luck!