We do 5 bottles in a day all 210ml. She don’t always finish them but she does drink most of her milk. She also gets breakfast and dinner x
My lo is 8 months Tuesday, is on 3 bottles 2 6oz bottles before each nap then a 7oz before bed. Sometimes she’ll have the odd couple ounces if she’s up earlier.
5x 5oz / 150ml bottles
4x 150ml. Plus 3 meals, lunch is usually just be melty bits and fruit x
8 months- 4x8oz bottles
My baby is 9 months next week and having 3 meals a day I do 4 bottles a day, 7am, 11.30, 3.30pm and 6.45pm. Bottles made are 5 oz , but she usually has 3-4 oz.
8 months - offered 4 7oz bottles but usually drinks 6ish. X
Reading all of these comments really does just go to show that not every baby is the same and will want the same! It’s actually put my mind at ease because I was worried bubs wasn’t getting enough but she’s clearly having what she needs 😊
@Naomi exactly why i posted. Babe is not hungry but seemed to drop her milk intake quite suddenly, she was clearly drinking a lot as she dropped about 8oz a day
3-4 210ml bottles.
My son is 7.5m and has around 20OZ a day. Sometimes he will drink 7oz in a bottle, sometimes only 4oz at a time. He also has solids for breakfast and dinner :)