?Chemical pregnancy
Hi everyone.
So I had my first faint positive pregnancy test on Thursday.
They have remained faint (photos attached)
I have done 2 x clear blue weeks indicators on Saturday and today and they both say not pregnant.
Only getting faint lines on other tests.
Yesterday was supposed to be my period so I assume by now it should definitely say pregnant on a digital.
I just have a feeling that it’s not happening this month but still heartbroken to have had that initial thinking it was our month 😔
Has this been the same for anyone else?
Thanks x
Thankyou so much for replying! It sounds like it might be a chemical then 😟 I keep trying to convince myself maybe I ovulated later and that’s why but I think it’s inevitable. I really hope you have a successful month must have been really hard having those 2 chemicals ✨❤️