My husband and I have a routine that works well for us; He comes home about 5:30pm, by which point the kids are fed etc, we play with the kids until bedtime. We alternate who we put to bed every night. Then one does their excerise whilst the other makes dinner, then we meet back up for dinner and catch up about our days and spend the evening together. He does Monday, Wednesdays. I do Tuesday, Thursdays, and Friday is our night off together, then we both run park run together on Saturdays alternating who runs with the double buggy :) that gives us 3 excerises a week and time together ❤️
Hey, well done for your achievement. You need to do what works for you the best :) morning training has the benefits of charging you up for the day so it can work if you go to bed earlier. If you think you aren't an early bird and you could never get used to it, pushing the snooze button every morning and waking up moody won't help you either :)) Choose what is best for you and stick to it. Routine (with a little flexibility) is key. If you go in the evening, make sure you go straight after work so prepare your gym stuff and take it to work. If you go home chances are you will never get out of the house again. I would also look up some videos you can do with your little one on days when you miss your gym session. I am a PT and starting my PILATES classes in January.