Not eating specific but when baby eats on one side catch and save the letdown on the other. It will build up to a full bottle in a couple days then you can give it to him while you do a full pump session. That is how I built my supply. Also drink way more water.
Drinking a lot of water and in general just eating enough are the biggest things. Protien rich foods, oats, brewers yeast, garlic, and spinach are specific ones I've seen.
I pumped after everytime I breastfed my baby. So so time consuming but I feel like it really helped empty my breasts and let my body know I needed to make more. And I felt ok doing so cause I know my baby just ate and is full. Otherwise I don’t think eating anything particular helped me except drinking a ton of water
FISH!!! I don’t know what it is but when I have fish the next day I was leaking!!! Fish oats and lactation cookies were super good
Thank you guys so much I’ll try all of the advice you guys gave me I really appreciate it @Alexi @Kate @Olivia @Sadia Begum
He drinks about 6-8 oz