My little girl has a milk allergy and is on SMA Alfamino formula. She was originally prescribed aptimal pepti 1 and she still reacted to what little milk protein is actually in it. What formula are you on? It might be the formula or something else she is eating
My son had a CMP allergy, was placed on aptamil pepti formula, and it took 4 months (and hospital stay) for them to recognise a further lactose intolerance. If your little one isn’t on neocate, I’d look into it. My son’s issues (very similar to your daughter’s) stopped within a week. We did have to mix the milks at first to get him to take the neocate, but only for a few days
My baby girl has a dairy allergy she is on Aptamil Pepti 2 and we’re currently waiting for a blood test which is booked for December to decipher which type of dairy she’s allergic to!
@Vickie she's on the pepti 1! I think I'm going to have to take her back to rhe doctors
@Cassidy is it prescribed or can you buy it?
My little girl is dairy and then I found out the new milk soya?
How long has it been since the swap? It can take a while for the milk to get of their system and changing formula can also cause upset stomach.
@Sarah it's been a good few months now, it seemed okay at first but there is something else now that's irritating her
Keep a food diary for her so you can identify if it is a different food that is causing her issues. Not necessarily an allergy but may just not yet have a mature enough gut to deal with some of it?