I’ve just done the switch and my little girl is 3 months old she hates laying flat as long as the seat unit can recline flat he should be fine x
Which pram do you have? The Mamas and Papas Ocarro the pram seat is suitable from birth as it lies flat and has the newborn head insert
@Jenny I have the joie versatrax pram it does say suitable from birth to 22kg? And it does lie down x
@Lucie as long as it's suitable from birth then you can make the switch whenever you feel happy to, we did it around 3 months as I felt she was more secure in the seat as I could strap her in
@Jenny perfect thank you for your feedback, I just have one nosey little boy hah! X
We’ve just switched ours and she’s 13 weeks. She’s a big baby and is too big for the bassinet now so had no choice. She seems a lot happier in the stroller seat than the bassinet since we switched x
They should continue to lie flat until around 6 months so it depends if your pram fully reclines or not. It isn’t good for their spine or airways otherwise as they need good head control