Yep! It’s just a “dye stealer” test. Meaning your result was strong enough to take the majority of the dye and there wasn’t much left to reach the control line! Nothing bad at all!
By 3 weeks, 4 days do you mean that's how long it's been since your last period? How long are your cycles typically. That does look a lot darker than I'd typically expect for 3 weeks 4 days, which for a 28-day cycle length, would only be 11 days after ovulation.
@Taylor yes 3 weeks 4 days since last period - cycles vary from 28-32
@Taylor ovulation isn’t always 14days in for your cycle either for a 28 day cycle. It varies way too much, especially if you have a non-consistent period. but yes that is the average. She could be anywhere between 10-14dpo currently without having tested her ovulation date
This is impressive for such an early test. But I wouldn’t think it’s worrisome 🧐
@Amanda I know it's not exact. I was just making rough assumptions since the information wasn't given. Although ovulation is pretty consistently 12-14 days before you get a period. That luteal phase length is the most consistent part of the cycle. Any large variation in that length is generally considered a luteal phase defect and means there's something wrong with hormone levels. Anyway, this is a very strong positive for where you are at in your cycle. But as Lisa mentioned, it shouldn't be a problem. You must have just had an early implantation! Congrats!
Just means you're for sure pregnant. You could have ovulated sooner than you thought, I wouldn't worry x