I have no advice, but I had it in my first and just muddled through. I got zero help from GP. On the plus side it disappeared as soon as baby came out!!
I have a splint i got online or at pharmacy, it really helps me x
Thanks guys ❤️ it’s awful isn’t it 😭 I’ve ordered a splint, thanks for your advice x
I have the exact same issue….during the day it’s no problem but at night it’s excruciating and nearly brings me to tears. I asked my midwife and she said to rest it where possible. I also wear splints to bed each night and they do help a little but I have recently been sleeping a bit more up right with pillows behind me & use my pregnancy pillow for arm rest support and this helps a lot. GP was useless and just told me to rest it, ice it & elevate it. My husband also massages my wrists before bed and this helps too. Hopefully it will improve over time but I feel your pain….its a never ending list of pregnancy symptoms that nobody tells you about lol x