I think a bit of a reset might help, with no pressure as to eat, but the goal is to just enjoy exploring food. Maybe try her out of the high chair for a few days while you hold her and eat your meal, with no food for her. Then put her back in the high chair with a toy for a few days singing songs while you eat, then start introducing food to her, but leave it up to her whether she wants to eat or not. But either way, make it happy and fun, without any pressure of eating. So she might want to touch and throw it etc, but these are all fine. Important to add that a baby is more likely to try food if they aren’t tired, and they aren’t hungry. My baby isn’t really eating much at the moment, but she’s having lots of fun with food touching it, chewing it etc, which I think is just as important.
Have you tried giving a bottle first then food? So it’s optional/fun for her rather than she’s hungry and wants it but struggling with it?
Oh and just to add, she’s 7 months. Showed signs she wanted food quite early but I delayed it until she was 6 months.