@Star did anything help? or is she still the same?
@Maria she just seemed to get used to it again. I did check that the bathroom wasn't too cold, that the water was okay (because she randomly liked it warmer & would shiver with it at 37 degrees)
My lo likes the bath water warmer than what is suggested and hated a bath with it at the suggested temperature. I also shower with her most days because she seems to prefer it to being bathed.
Try showering? Seems to me like a sensory issue? If it don’t go away maybe bring it up to the Dr
How old is she?
@Alisia she’ll be 1 next week
This happened twice with my LG. I'm not sure if it'll be the same for you, but she was essentially EXTREMELY exhausted or overstimulated. She could barely drink her bottle from how tired she was when she got out (and she had all her naps those days) but yea, she was hysterical