She’s got CMPA and reflux and she’ll barely drink a 3oz bottle. So doctors told me to start at 16 weeks which is what I did. I wasn’t sure if I should or not. I tried reaching out to my HV but it’s been 2 weeks since I’ve text her and tried phoning many times.
Wait till 6 months for meat. Continue with fruit and veggie purées. If she’s had no reactions to them you could start mixing them together to make new flavours. With weaning soo early has the doctor referred you to a dietitian or paediatrician as yo should be weaning under their care/supervision so they can monitor bubs. Also have you tried stuff like gaviscon or omeprazole before being told to wean your baby at such a young age? I’m just asking as we weaned from 5.5 months old and have exhausted all our options so you’re more than welcome to give me a message x
Yeah they have referred me just waiting on a letter. I’ve mixed bits up now and also done some pouches for the bits I wouldn’t buy like pumpkin, papayas just bits that wouldn’t get eaten by myself but just got to rule out allergies. She was on gaviscon wasn’t working then got put on omeprazole also didn’t really help much. Shes a lot better than she was now being on her milk and omeprazole. She 100% prefers food over milk. Been in and out of hospital because her milk issue and she wouldn’t latch to me and my milk just dried up at 6 weeks even though I was pumping religiously to try and give her that but I just wasn’t producing enough for her so I had to use formula and she would be screaming in pain rashes all over her body pooing during and after her bottles. She’s been on the milk since she was 8 weeks old but the reflux just got worse as it’s so thin so she’s on omeprazole and was having thickener in her bottles.
She always has a 5oz bottle just incase but she’ll just about drink 3oz
What milk is she on? We’re on Neocate which my little girl has been thriving on and as for weaning earlier it done nothing for our reflux. She just grew out of it on the last couple of weeks so for us weaning hasn’t helped but obviously every baby is different so it maybe different for your baby. My little girl is 1 on Sunday and she still has 5oz-6oz bottles and at the age of 4 months old she was having 3oz or 4oz at the most and never anymore x
Yeah same as my girl. Since being on food her weight is doing nothing but going up. Shes 20 weeks and it took us 12 weeks just for her to get back to her birthweight. She’s on aptimal Pepti 1 now. We tried SMA Althera and the Alfamino and she wasn’t taking to either of them. We were then given Neocate which she didn’t take to either she’s been on Pepti now since about 16 weeks and she seems to really enjoy it. She’s not throwing it up as much as the others she’s drinking so much more. So she’s thriving now.
I gave my baby meat and fish almost on the beginning of introducing solids, but she had almost finished 6 months. Why did your doctor advised you to already start solids if you don't mind me asking.