Does this sound like it could be anxiety or is it just an age thing? For the past couple of months or so, whenever I tell my boy we're going out or doing something, first he's excited for it, but as soon as it comes to actually going, he starts saying no no don't want to go out I want to stay home. For example, we went to the pantomime today, I've been telling him we're going all week and he's been excited for it, but then last night he started saying he didn't want to go. He woke up at 5am crying this morning, I went to his room, and literally the first thing he said was 'I don't want to go to the theatre' when we got there he was okay, but then he started crying saying he wanted to go outside and my husband ended up missing half the show because he was inconsolable!
He gets like this for a lot of things, even something as simple as food shopping, as soon as it gets to going he will say no no I want to stay home. It's starting to put a real dampner on our days because I never know if he's going to be really upset when we go somewhere, or if it's even worth spending money doing things because he just wants to go home all the time!! Is it just his age or is it something more?
Mines been like this recently and keeps saying he wants to go home when we’re out, unless it’s something he really wants to do. It’s driving me mad because I try and plan nice things for him and it feels like he just wants to stay at home and watch TV. I’m hoping it’s a phase that he’ll be over soon. The short days definitely aren’t helping.