Just give it to them in the bottle if you’re having constipation issues or anything like that. Otherwise if you have a sippy cup and wanna try it then go for it. The regular cups are fine too but you’re probably gonna get more on the floor than in their mouth lol.
@Gabriela really! I did not know that. Thanks
I tried a Dr Brown's straw cup and my baby immediately knew how to use the straw but then she let go and the water went everywhere lol. I've started using a regular straw and dipping it in water, holding a tiny bit in it, and then putting that in her mouth for her to drink. She seems to understand that better and she thinks it's so fun. It's adorable how much it makes her smile
I have a small silicone open cup and one of the squeeze straw cups! My son loves the open cup
Supposed to start with a straw cup!