Breastmilk worked for my LO.
Just wet wash cloth, no ointments, helped my LO! It’s hormonal, you just need to wait it out unfortunately.
Yeah just wash it like normal and don’t put anything on it. Sometimes lotions and stuff can make acne worse.
Breastmilk!! My newborn was also starting to get it but after feedings, I would let my milk drop on her cheeks & I would rub it & it worked great! You can also mix it with a little coconut oil, let it set & use that as a natural cream for their little bodies :)
If your kissing their face that’s one reason they have it I know that’s why both my babies had it but I lowkey didn’t care it goes away I use breast milk and let it run its course lol
This was my son as well. The doc mentioned it’s hormonal! I’d just keep it hydrated with simple natural products and let it run its course
I think time as well. We used ointment from week 4-8. I noticed the acne stopped flaring up around week 7.
My pediatrician recommended that we wipe down his face with a wet washcloth twice a day and apply baby oil/olive oil. Sounds like you are doing that though but I wanted to reply in case this helps :)