Have a look into schemas. There are various different areas of focus in the brain as they are growing and throwing is one of them. Your best bet is to set up activities where he can fully explore and throw safely. Here’s more info https://blog.lovevery.com/child-development/the-trajectory-schema-how-your-child-learns-by-throwing-dropping-and-flinging/
@Chloë-Jayne looks like we’re in exactly the same boat! Congrats on the new baby! X
We are indeed, how old is your little one? could it just be just terrible 2s? thankyou, congratulations too! ❤️
@Emily thank you will look at this
@Chloë-Jayne also 2 1/2! I hope so! I’m counting down the months now till he turns 3 🤣
We've had this. We introduced the "silly seat" (a spot on the sofa he has to sit at with no talking to him until Alexa 2 minutes alarm goes off) then we talk about why. This is a last resort but he's warned 3 times then is to the silly seat. Have actually only had to use it twice but the reminder that he doesn't like it makes him stop. It was really bad at one point but he is a lot better now and most of the time doesn't do it anymore. We have also found that encouraging to throw the ball for the dog (don't know if you have one) has helped as it's a time he's actually allowed to throw and gets fun out of it.
Following because my 2 and a half year old is doing the same. Im scared it will hit my 6 day old too! ❤️