Postnatal midwife appointments

Second time mum but I can’t really remember from my first. How often have you seen midwives since having baby? I haven’t been seen since day 9 and don’t have any other appointments booked (apart from hearing screening this week) but baby is now 3 weeks. This was done by the feeding team not the community midwives so they wouldn’t have booked a new appointment. Ive seen the health visitor since but she was useless. Baby was jaundice and under birth weight at last midwife appointment, so really surprised that we’ve not been seen since. I think I’ll ring the community midwives tomorrow and see when I’ll get checked again, but just wanted to see if I’m expecting too much or have been forgotten.
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I’d follow up personally, even if just for peace of mind! Our babe’s weight has gone down and up and down and they have been here basically every 2-3 days to check him x

Not sure if it’s the same where you are, but here in Scotland we are discharged from community midwives after 10 days post birth, and move to health visiting care until baby goes to school. Mum and baby then receive a post birth check at 6 weeks by GP.

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