Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.
8 weeks and the dreaded nausea and food aversions have come with force! Mainly meat that grosses me out but I always seem to go off chips/potatoes in the first trimester too 😭 living off toast and cheese sandwhiches for the foreseeable 👍😂
Another photo of a different test in the comments. Praying for our 🌈
Anyone had protein in urine I'm currently waiting for my appt at the hospital and the midwife checked my urine and said oh there's some protein and bow my anxiety is through the roof! My mind is racing like what could it be! My blood pressure was fine! I don't even know why she told me lol I had my urine checked yes...
Anyone else have an extremely clingy toddler (2) the closer they get to due date? My little one is having a breakdown if I go to the toilet at the moment and refuses to have anyone else carry her if I’m there 🤔 I’m having a c-section so I’m slightly worried what’s going to happen when I actually have the baby 😅
I am 38 weeks today, meaning I could have my first baby any day now. I have been so excited to meet him but am so nervous for labor and labor pains. I do plan to get an epidural but I am just so fearful of the pain before and after or that my epidural won’t work etc.. It isn’t uncommon for me to be anxious but this ...
Anyone else suffer from severe pregnancy anxiety? This is my first pregnancy after six and half years TTC. What are some things you all do to help and feel assurance that everything will be okay? 🥹
Looking for some positive stories to keep me sane. I have complete placenta covering cervix at 23 weeks. Good news stories on how’s yours turned out? I have read so many regarding bleeding and pre term delivery.
Heyyy Mommas !!! Quick question did anyone always have low blood pressure throughout pregnancy????
My daughter is 3 1/2 years old and she had her wic appointment today. She is 35 inches and 29.8 pounds. Should I be concerned? I'm 4"9 and my husband is 5"6. I just don't want her to be short like me
I wanted to post it here too so I’m so indecisive I bought three different ones 🤣 I’ll post the other two in the comments. I’ll also post pic of baby would love peoples input on what they think I’m having I have a feeling it’s another girl based on same cravings and very similar symptoms I also saw between its legs…
39 weeks and 2 days first time mom & zero dilation. Do anyone have any tips. I have tried walking, and raspberry tea. I just brought dates, okra and primrose oil to give it a try.
Just wondering if anyone else suffers with this? And if you have any advice on how to deal with it. I’ve had it since pregnancy, and it got a lot worse once I gave birth, especially in the newborn phase. It’s gotten a bit better recently but sometimes pops up (like today) and I really struggle to deal with it and en...
30 + 1 and have my GD test tomorrow, I’m so anxious and scared that I’m going to feel / be sick or pass out whilst waiting. Does anyone have any positive stories or any advice, thanks x
Has anyone suffered with really high blood pressure after having baby? I had a c section back in March but every now and again my blood pressure sky rockets, with a really strong pain in my chest, feeling like I’m having a heart attack. I’ve gone to the Drs and got blood pressure meds but currently on 10mg and it’s ...
Not sure if anyone feels this way and I have spoken to couple of my mum friends and they said totally normal and they felt the same. At night time I’m feeling so anxious and overwhelmed I want this pregnancy and this baby is so so wanted but I can’t help but feel anxious and scared, I have so many thoughts. Am I ca...
Is anyone else getting it?? I don’t know how I can treat it that’s safe for the pregnancy. TIA.
I’ve only been seeing my baby’s dad since the start of August… I’m 6 weeks pregnant. Does any one else have a similar situation. At the start of the year I came out of a year and a half relationship ( very toxic ) but I still think about him as I really really loved him ( I lived with him for nearly all of the relat...
35+1 days and I'm honestly so uncomfortable!! I can't find a position that is comfy and the pressure on my pelvis feels like baby is trying to birst through 🤣😭 The acid reflux, constipation, insomnia, dizzy spells. Can't wait for this pregnancy to be over and have my amazing baby boy here!! 🩵
Had my glucose tolerance test today and I feel absolutely shattered. I went to bed at 1.30 and got out at 5pm. Has anyone else had it and felt so exhausted? I don’t remember it being so bad last time!
My baby is 9 months and I’m strugglinggggg with the morning sickness and looking after him the way I usually do and I’m only 7 weeks! He’s become quite fussy so not happy to sit in one place and play or learn something new, so spending way too much time in front of the TV with him as it’s the only way I can give mys...