Community Posts, Tips & Support on Second Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.

Idk why I’m getting so anxious! Help 😭😭

I’m expecting my second child in a few months, and it just hit me “I have to push this baby out again” 😭😭 I know it might sound silly since I’ve done it before, but with my first pregnancy, I went in completely oblivious about labour pain, I obviously heard about the pain but it’s different when you have never…



Breathlessness is so bad during pregnancy that it triggers my anxiety. Anyone else dealing with this or has any tips that could help.



Is anyone else extra irritable at the moment? I’m 35+3 and everything is bothering me recently. I feel so bad for my partner because I keep snapping at him for almost no reason at all. I don’t know if it’s just hormones, tiredness, fear/anxiety that in a few weeks I’ll have a newborn, i honestly don’t know but I jus...



I am suffering with gallstones & waiting removal of my gallbladder. I’ve been told is common in pregnancy. Has anyone else had issues or had the procedure? I’m so anxious for the operation but I know I can’t carry on like this.


Scar and tummy hurting

I don’t need the passive aggressive or judgmental comments about not waiting 18months. I’m 25 weeks pregnant and my scar is hurting and sometimes my belly just above becomes a bit tender where baby is. Is this a normal thing or I should I seek help about checking my scar. I was 6months pp when I found out I was pr...


Glucose test

I have my glucose test this month. I’m pregnant with my first and have no idea how to prep or what to expect! I know all obgyn’s are different but does anyone have any tips??? i’m 26wks & 5days!!


Keppra & pregnancy

Has anyone on here taken Levetiracetam (Keppra) throughout their pregnancy and baby has been born healthy? I’ve just found out I’m pregnant and now take GP prescribed folic acid but I’m nervous for baby. Any help / advice would be amazing.


Feeling let down by midwives

I had a midwife appointment today and brought up some symptoms I've had that I know can be related to preeclampsia but I had brushed them off as other things or having reasons for them. She checked my BP and urine and they were okay but still wanted to send me to triage just to be monitored for a bit and for preecla...


Second time mom question!

Pregnant with my second d but my first is 10 months old only. I’m in my second trimester but I’ve been carrying my son still. He’s 23 pounds. He’s crawling but not walking so I still need to carry him. Is that ok?? Anyone else?? Can carrying my first born harm pregnancy?


Is it only me or?

I had a baby a year ago by c section and since then I’ve been absolutely terrified of shaving my lady parts because of my scar. Im pregnant with my second and will be having a c section meaning I have to shave down there and im dreading it! Has anyone else felt this way?



Has anyone else got a toddler aswell? I have a 2 year old and I’m 5 weeks pregnant but I’m so scared of not being able to cope with having two children and the mum guilt on my first. There’s so much we want to do this year go on first family holiday abroad and do more this cinema with her being older. I just don’t ...


Baby no 2

So lately the subject of another baby has been brought up several times and I'm not against it, infact im quite broody lol, but I'm sooo worried about having another one. Like it seems impossible to imagine loving a second child or being a good mum to two. Did/does anyone else have this fear? Does it get easier? Is ...



36 weeks today and started to shit myself about going into labour😂 I don’t deal with pressure well and generally an anxious person. I have done my research but also know that not everything goes as planned, how is everyone else coping with anxiety/pressure?


Nub theory anyone I can’t work it out?

More pics in comments


NIPT testing

Hey guys, we are thinking about having private NIPT test at 10 weeks as we are a little anxious after losing our first baby. Do you think they are worth it? Also how accurate are they for confirming gender?


Nerves - pregnant after loss

Hello Ladies Any advice on trying stop being so scared/nervous? I am 10+1 after 3 losses last year ( 1 being a MMC at 8+6 but didn’t find out until 12 week scan) I am on progesterone and have another scan on Thursday next week, I am so scared that I’m going to get bad news again and can’t get it out my head 😩 my…


NIPT results

Hi. How long did it take for you to receive your NIPT results? Feel like I'm going mad waiting😩


Feeling weighed down

Does anyone else feel like they are carrying a bowling ball around? I'm only 21 weeks and 3 days, but the weight and pressure I feel around my abdomen is just exhausting, and I can't help but wonder how the he'll I'm supposed to manage the next 19 weeks!


20+ pound weight gain already 14 weeks pregnant - feeling bummed about body image

So the women in my family tend to gain a lot during pregnancy. Seems to be no explanation why. My first trimester was plagued by lack of appetite and sickness yet I still gained a little over 20 pounds. I was 125 before I got pregnant (my ideal weight) and right now I’m 147 at 14 weeks! I have a small baby bump but ...



I failed my one hour, i have my 3hr test on Monday but i have to be there for 4hrs 😝 i need to be under 135 and my sugar was at 166 🥲


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