Community Posts, Tips & Support on Second Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.

Natera no results

So I got my results from Panorama test but it says no results for everything. Is it worth getting retested?


11 weeks 5 days.

Any guesses?


Body conscious

Hi all. How are those who are pregnant handling their changing bodies? I’m really struggling to accept myself getting bigger EVERYWHERE. I was already curvy but now it feels so noticeable as I can’t control it. Currently 18 weeks and although I’m exercising, eating as well as I can, I don’t feel very body positive. ...


Natera NIPT

Hi mamas! Has anyone taken the Natera NIPT test? How long does it typically take for results to come back? My OB says up to 2 weeks, but that seems like such a long time to wait 😭



This is my 4th baby, 37 weeks today and my blood pressure and urine sample have always been normal at my check ups. I’ve never had pre-eclampsia but for a couple of weeks now my hands have been getting really swollen and then maybe once a day or every other day my feet will get swollen as well. I’ve been feeling rea...


Sneak peek

How long did it take for you to get your results?



Anyone else feel very overwhelmed? 18 weeks today and can feel flutters but not constant or consistent so can’t help but worry, then thinking about everything that needs buying for when the baby is here and worrying about storage 🫠


Nub theory

Does this mean I’m having a boy?🩵😂



I have just found out I am pregnant with number 2. My first pregnancy was an absolute nightmare and I don't think that even justifies it. Severe HG and Preeclampsia until I delivered at 37 weeks. I am absolutely petrified of dealing with this whole thing again. What are the chances ??? Any tips ???



Okay im 19 weeks with twins and im leaking and my boobs are numb and I’m scared because I can go into labor and it’s way to early


First baby appointment.

I just found out I’m pregnant and was wondering what all happens at your first appointment. This is my first time and I’m soooo nervous!


Just found out!

Hey I am 29 and just found out I’m pregnant… expecting my first I am extremely overwhelmed and nervous and the anxiety is just so bad to the point it’s making me physically sick 🥺 I’m wondering if anybody else has experienced this and I will get better over time? It wasn’t planned however I wanted my first before…


Pregnancy test

I would really love some input on this test. I took the test 3 minutes after i peed on it


Anxiety - pregnancy after MMC

Hi girls. Has anyone had a missed miscarriage previously and are super anxious this pregnancy? So hopeful for our rainbow baby but the anxiety has set in as I had my loss around this week. Staying as positive as possible praying for all us mamas!


TMI but need reassurance!

Hi guys I'm 9+2 weeks and this week I've suffered with bouts of diahorrea (sorry tmi) and put that on top of 24/7 nausea and vomiting. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced any diahorrea in first trimester? Also is anyone else just struggling with the constant nausea - I am stuck to my bed cause of sickness :(



I haven’t had a scan for a month now and I got my NIPT test back which came back normal. Since everything came back normal, does that mean everything is ok? I really hate the waiting game… 😑


High Blood Pressure / Pre Eclampsia Symptoms (37 weeks pregnant)

Is anyone dealing with high blood pressure and on medication to try control this? Has anyone had or got pre eclampsia? Anxiety and worrying something bad is going to happen :(


Can’t agree with partner

It’s my first time pregnant. Found out on Christmas Day, I thought it would be such a happy time but it wasn’t. My partner says he’s not ready for this but I am and I think we are in a good position to be parents. We have a very calm and settled relationship together for 4years, both in 30s. Our house is very small ...


Freestyle Libre 2 glucose monitor

Anyone here use this monitor? What do you think of it?


When did people start buying

So I’m 7 weeks and trying so hard not to buy things just yet😂 when did people start buying?


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