Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.
im so confused i know it sounds stupid but i calculated it online and its showing different ages. My baby was born 11th june so how old is my baby? i thought 2 weeks he will be 7 months but im being told different.
Currently 14DPO, working on first day of last period due date is 29th August but due to dates of conception I would think I’m looking at September! Trying really hard to not test every day so after my next box come I’m going to leave until I’m ready to get a digital 3+ weeks ❤️
Anyone else suffering from shortness of breath? There’s no pain but I just can’t seem to catch my breath. Big gasps of breath and it feels like my lungs just aren’t working properly. I had something similar with my first but it was gone by the second trimester. This time around I’m struggling to do anything because...
Do clear blue digital pregnancy test pick up early results?
officially how far back does meconium go? i’ve heard conflicting things.
Hi everyone. I’ve noticed since birth my BP has gone up. All throughout pregnancy and prior it would be around 110/70 on average. Now it is around 138/88 on average 3.5 weeks postpartum. Anyone else experienced this?
Can’t believe I’m 38 weeks today
I’m feeling pressure really low very frequently and it’s uncomfortable and I cannot believe I have likely over 8 weeks left. Also cannot comprehend how big I’m going to get and how much more uncomfortable I’m going to be by the end. Any tips anyone?
Just wondering how you all felt driving by yourself after you had passed your test? I passed beginning of October and just got my car on Friday. I’m scared to take it out I get nervous thinking about it 😭 I’m not an anxious driver or even a nervous driver. I’m actually fine when on the road but just being on my…
My kitten is stressing me out so much. I’m only 4 weeks nearly 5 but I’m scared that bc I’m reacting to him it’s causing the baby stress I don’t know how to stop as I get triggered easily, my kitten hasn’t been neutered or anything yet which may help but I have to wait I was thinking to get some catnip, I’m just wor...
Anyone got any moments yet ! I’m 19 weeks tomorrow not sure I’ve felt anything but know it can be slightly later either way anterior placenta
If you had vomitting during first trimester, and are in the second now - has there been improvements? Thank you!
Im 35+2 and I was admitted into hospital with high blood pressure and I'm literally paranoid that I'm going to be admitted again due to my blood pressure spiking or its going to be high. Has anyone else experienced this?
Do you think it’s a fail? It probably is. The 3rd hr was in the green but barely passed. I’ll post them in the comments.
I’m pregnant but I’ve been in this fog lately. Trying to take care of my first baby and this pregnancy but also feeling so depressed and tuned out. Like almost no feelings. Except sometimes mad. I’ve been eating like absolute crap. Processed food. Candy. Cookies. Cheetos Constantly. I’ve also been vaping. And I feel...
I think I’m having a problem where I was okay interacting and being around certain people before getting pregnant. Now that my baby is here there’s just certain ppl I don’t feel in a rush to bring/have my baby around. Because of these ppls “titles” it does seem weird that I’m being this way 🥺. Wondering if anyone…
Hospital called unexpectedly this morning, wasn’t expecting the call until tomorrow. They gave me a time for arrival Monday morning for my scheduled c-section. I just finished putting my almost 3 year old to bed for the last time before baby comes and it made me so emotional that she won’t be my only baby anymore. E...
I’ll be 32 weeks tomorrow and I feel like I’m forgetting everything and it’s scaring me. I can be in the middle of a conversation and forget what I’m talking about no matter how hard I think. Even forgetting daily things like how to get home. I really hope this is normal because I’m scared…
So in pregnancy I had preeclampisa.. I am on the process of weaning off labetalol. I am currently on now 100mg tablets a day.. i forgot a dose (6hours) late and it was 150/100! Could this be due to a skipped 100mg dose or was it more likely anxiety?? It's came down now since taken my dose moment i saw it say 150/10...
Nearly 38 weeks and feeling super anxious about baby coming soon. Have this feeling of not being ready.. anyone else feel this way? Is this normal?