Community Posts, Tips & Support on Second Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.

Gestational Diabetes Test

Got my GDT tomorrow and dreading it as heard so many negative storys and plus I've got anxiety so it doesn't help.. anyone thought that it wasn't that bad when they had it done? X


Any advice on being a single teen mum?

I’m 16 weeks and 2 days today, I had a miscarriage at 8 weeks and a stillbirth at 34 +5, i have so many concerns about my baby and worries, is anyone else struggling or could leave some help or advice?


Gestational Diabetes

I’m 33 weeks pregnant and have been told I will need a blood test for gestational diabetes at my 36 week appt due to my little boy’s stomach measurement being 95th percentile. What can I expect from the rest of my pregnancy if I’m found to have it?


Working out babies age!

So I’m really confused! Is my baby 5 months old? He was born 22/07 so is he 5 months on Sunday or as he is 21 weeks is he 5 months and a week? It’s so confusing!


Midwife appointment today!

Been to my 36 week appointment today (I’m nearly 37 it was a late appointment) and she’s spun my head 🙃🤪 baby is engaged she could feel his head very low down and I explained the back pain I’ve been having every night for a few nights .. she’s said I’ll definitely have a 2024 baby.. how does she know this?? I was 2…


6w 4days

Hey guys any guesses I no it’s very early x


Am I cheating?

So today after lunch I had my 1h reading 8.2 ( I drink some diet coke before so I assume 😵‍💫) I didn’t log the reading cause I wanted to try the 2 h one.. anyway, I went for a walk, drink plenty of water and after another h was 5.9 They told me if I’m not able to test after 1h, try after 2 h but it should be less…


6 wk check up

Just had my checkup with the Dr and I told her about the palpations I've been experiencing the last few days. Didn't say anything about it. Guessing no concerns but she said my BP was borderline again but again didn't say anything. No idea if they're related or not and I've been naughty and not been taking my blood ...



I’m 40 weeks and 3 days , just need advice since idk if I should go in L&d. Been having terrible on and off cramps , feeling more pressure , horrible back pain and very light spotting . I called my Obgyn earlier and they told me since it wasn’t a lot of blood I can wait , but it’s been hours since the call and the p...


Morning sickness second trimester

Hello girls! Anyone in the second trimester still facing morning sickness or hard time eating and nausea? I still have this and I still dislike many of the food I used to like, I was prescribed for a pill by my OB but didnt want to take it anymore, anyone still facing this and any advice to work on it?


Anxiety before birth

Such a weird question.. but have you experienced anxiety before giving birth? It’s my second baby but I feel absolutely terrified all of a sudden.. terrified of everything. Like viruses, not being able to cope, c section etc


Placenta Previa

Today at my 22 week anatomy scan I was diagnosed with complete placenta previa, meaning the placenta is fully covering my cervix. The doctor mentioned that if it doesn’t move on its own, I may need a C-section. This is my fourth pregnancy, and my first three children were born through healthy vaginal deliveries, so ...


SneekPeek Gender Test

Has anyone done the SneakPeek 6 week gender blood test? Did it work for you?


Weight gain

Yikes I just saw they updated my OB chart and I saw in small print that I’m labeled “obese” in pregnancy lmao before pregnancy I’m around 130 ish 5’ 5” so seeing that def has me in my feelings 😅😅😅 I know I’ll snap back I’m not worried but could they not write that !!!


About to go into labor

I’m so nervous first time mom don’t know what to fully expect I’m so nervous please send reassurance


Nub Theory!

I was wondering if any of you lovely people would be able to tell me if they can see if baby is a boy or girl. 16 weeks tomorrow ❤️ Thank you


Very very emotional

I am very emotional at the minute and currently overdue. I can’t stop crying and have so much anger and anxiety about everything. I’m really worried this will prevent or prolong labour as everyone keeps telling me I need to chill out and have oxytocin flowing not this. Will it really affect ?


Just curious! Mat leave?

Just curious! What week were/will you be when you take mat leave? I'm only 34 weeks and crawling my way through until 36. Hating it as I'm just SO tired 😂


28 week midwife

I’m wondering how everyone’s baby is measuring at your 28 weeks appointment. 🥹❤️


High blood pressure

Hi Ladies, I went into triage on Monday as I wasn’t happy with babies movements. Anyway, he ended up being absolutely fine but I had extremely high blood pressure. It wouldn’t come down so they ended up having to control it with medication and I stayed in for observation. I’m 35+3 and they tested me for preeclampsia...


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