Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy.

Middle Names for Isabella (traditional classic British)

Looking for traditional timeless and classic Would love to hear your ideas below


Complete Exhaustion

I’m 23+3 today and I am absolutely exhausted all of the time at the moment, to the point where I’m taking 1 if not 2 naps a day when I’m not at work. I thought you were supposed to be full of life during the second trimester?! 😂 has anyone else been feeling like this? I feel so bloody lousy


12 week Scan

So pleased that after a missed miscarriage at 12 weeks last year, my little rainbow is doing perfectly. Due date 4th Sept!


Soooo sore

My pelvic floor muscles are so so sore. It feels like I just ran a marathon or did a crazy workout. But it reality, it’s been a week since I worked out..hello 3rd trimester 😒


Early April due dates

Anyone else nearly 35 weeks and bricking it that we could potentially be having our babies in as little as 2.5 weeks Are we feeling any nigglings. My cervix is so sore I’m convinced I’m gonna go before due date


5mpp. I had my first period in January lasted 5 days. I’m over due my period by a day. I put a tampon in 2 days before had a bit of light pink and brown. Next day I had light pink very little. Took a test both negative.

I took a clear blue and first response. I am now 12dpo. Like it doesn’t feel like a period. I’m also bf. Anyone else had this?


Celebrating!!! 🌟

Just want to share my celebrate with you in here how I got my 2 month old baby boy finally able to sleep on his own bed AND SELF SMOOTH!! In past 2 days😭🥰❤️ bittersweet but darn proud of him. He had been co-sleeping with my husband and me in a big queen bed.


Baby Boy Names

I found out recently I am having a boy I was convinced it was girl. Really need help with boys names. I am thinking Albie Kai but not 100% on the idea . Any first names and middle names would be appreciated 😇 xx


Gender results🤞🏾🤞🏾

So I’m 16 weeks my initial plan was to wait until birth so i had my nt scan at 13 weeks held off in the blood draw cause i wanted to wait went to see my doctor Wednesday she said this is yur last chance to get your blood drawn for gender so i said ill do it now im nervous to look😂😂



Hi guys! I have a super rare kid free day this Friday and thinking of treating myself to a massage or something. Single mum and moneys been tight so I’ve been saving. Can anyone recommend anywhere that is good but not to £££



My daughter has decided to start her terrible two's early 😵‍💫 anyone else? How are you faring? 😂


Boy or girl?

Just had my 12w scan at 13w!! Girl or boy?💗💙


Preventatitve cerclage UK

Going in for my cervical stitch tomorrow at 13 weeks due to an incompetent cervix which led me to loss my last baby at 22 weeks. Any tips or advice? Really nervous and scared! Going to ask to go under general


Colestroum Harvesting

Did this bring on labour for anyone?!


Middle name disagreement

Hi boy moms! Ftm here, my bf & I can’t come to an agreement on a middle name for our son, which I have said I am okay with him not having a middle name if we can’t agree. However, he is going around telling all his friends & family that the middle name IS the name that he wants? Meanwhile when ppl ask me I tell the...



Having a baby at 75 percential mean im going to have a big baby?? Currently 32weeks+5days


Is this really happening!🥹🤞🏻

Had a super super squinter yesterday but today I really see this one, only 8 dpo


Elective C Section at Sunderland

Has anyone had an elective section at Sunderland recently? I’m 38 weeks now and still don’t have my date even though it should be next week, is this normal practice at Sunderland? I had my last baby at Gateshead and got to pick my date at 34 weeks.


March baby couldn't wait...🤣🍼

Seen a few with March babies coming early.. My little boy due 6th march came 3 weeks early on the 11th February at 36+5 weeks weighing 6lb8oz. Spent a few days I'm hospital as he needed a little extra help under the photopherapy due to being jaundice and not quite feeding properly but we are home now and loving lif...



I’m a little over 10 weeks and haven’t had any cravings. I was excited to see what weird things my brain would come up with but it hasn’t happened😂 I mean, the only thing I want to drink is strawberry & kiwi flavour bottled water, I’m going through at least 2 big bottles a day.. I don’t think that counts as a…


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