Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.
Anyone else have a small baby? My little guy is super healthy and following his growth curve but he is so small. Curious if anyone has had a smaller baby that eventually jumped up a growth curve?
Feeling contractions but not enough to go to the hospital 🥹
Hey! I had a emergency C section in June, baby ended up in Intensive care and well let's say I was majorly let down by the hospital and had to do a lot of moving around ! I ended up with an infection in the wound in the hospital and then 9 days later when I came home the stitches popped due to not being given th...
Hi all, Just wondered if anyone has noticed a change in the pee colour and being able to go for a pee. As my bump has grown I feel like I can’t empty my bladder properly and this week my urine is a lot darker (still yellow but darker). It does dilute as the day goes and I don’t have any pains etc. Wondering if anyo...
Hi everyone just a quick question for those of you who have had your baby at Scarborough Hospital - can Dads stay overnight? I know at York they can’t so wondering if it’s the same? Been booked in for my C-section at Scarborough because there wasn’t room in York - with Scarborough being an hour and a half drive awa...
Hi Ladies, Did anyone have a similar experience, where their waters broke but you then didn't have any contractions? My waters went last night at 40+4 went to hospital and they confirmed it, but haven't had any contractions since! I have to go back this evening to try and move labour along if the contractions don't...
38 weeks pregnant(on Sunday). For the past few days I’ve been having fluid leak, not all day but multiple times. Idk if it’s just watery discharge? I’m still getting my usual sticky discharge (sorry for tmi), but also I’m getting proper wet patches in my underwear. Could this just be additional watery discharge?
I have completed my 3rd degree. It was 4 gruelling years part time alongside full time work and my final year being during my pregnancy, grieving for my late Grandpa and facing pregnancy discrimination at work. It was a virtual course with Exeter uni as I am based in London. The graduation takes place in December, w...
I stopped bleeding around 4 weeks 4 days after my c section. I’m now bleeding again (couple of days ago) and am 5 weeks 4 days. This is fresh red blood. Could this be my period returning. When did your period return?
Any positive elective c-section/recovery stories?? I was set on having one and then was kind of scared off of it by the birth choices lady but I still feel like it’s what I want to do so would love to hear any positive experiences so I can make a decision! Also any tips on recovery, thank youuu 🩵
Has anyone requested an elective c section and had their meeting with the consultant yet? I have just been doing some reading about hospitals in the UK and some of the comments on the thread say that you can request a private room or even pay for your partner to stay overnight. Has anyone had this experience?
Was anyone’s legs / feet still swollen a week post c section? X
I wanna know everyone’s experience with getting an induction. And what they actually did like the ballon or just meds? And how long it took? Also side effects after like bleeding and stuff? Very nervous i have 1 scheduled but it was self elected and i might cancel it. Currently 40weeks 2 days
Hey guys I’m 36+2 but the issue is on Saturday night I was admitted at 2cm dilated with contractions and then get sent home 3 days later due to them saying I’m not ready it’s now Friday and my pains have gotten worse, more pressure, more frequent contractions and puling more times then normal during my this pregnanc...
Hii ladies 💕 So I’ll b 37 weeks Sunday and my next appt I hav the choice to have my first cervical check. Just super curious if it might be painful 👀😆could yall share y’all’s experience if yur further along or had one done already?
Just wondering what hospital seems the better option, I was planning on going to The Royal Infirmary but I spoke to one of my mums friends yesterday who has been a midwife for 25 years and she said I should go to St John’s as the Royal is so under staffed, dirty and want you out the door asap. She said St John’s is ...
Curious how others plan to manage family expectations to visit during winter months right after baby comes? Others in our families have had visitors immediately after birth and I’m just not comfortable with that, but that seems to be the expectation set. We’re due early Jan and I’m trying to decide where my boundary...
38 weeks Sunday but the whole of today I’ve had tightening in my belly. Feeling sick, Think I’m losing my mucus plug slowly, i really think I’m going to go into labour soon or is anyone else feeling the same ?
I’ve had c section but experiencing side side burning horrible pain when standing and trying to sit. It feels like my stitches are ripping open. Has anyone experienced this?
Hi, I’ve recently moved to the area and can choose between the RVI in Newcastle or the QE in Gateshead to have my scans, appointments and birth etc. Just wondering if anyone had any opinions on which is best? In terms of waiting times, the rooms, cleanliness, staff etc! I’ll be consultant led and will be having an...