Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Care.
So I was looking at my pregnancy notes today after my midwife appointment and it’s said “Engagement 4/5” does anyone know what it means?I know it means baby’s engaged, but why does it say 4/5?
Numbers are DPO, so from 12 to 18 DPO! The reason it’s in a collage w iPhone writing is cause all of these pictures were taken within 5 minutes!
Anyone here in Bristol that is sending their LO to nursery for 2 days a week and is also using the 15 hours from the government? Just wondering what your monthly fee is like.
Hi all, I’m a secondary school teacher and I’ve been off work since 6 weeks due to HG. I’m going back to work on a reduced timetable on Monday when I’ll be 13+5 I was wondering when you told your classes/when you’re planning on telling your classes you’re pregnant? I’m already showing as I have hypermobility so eve...
9DPO today I know it’s very early but can anyone can a VVFL or do I have line eyes 👀
What happens during the appointment? xx
Do we have to ring up in advance to book the midwife appointment or can we book it that week?
I took this with my morning wee this morning and a faint line shown up pretty much straight away. I didn’t even have to wait. Can anyone else see it or is it just me? I’m 9dpo and I’m supposed to be due in 6 days. These tests are 6 days earlier ones
Hi, I’m currently 34+6 and just had to have my insulin upped from 0-0-4 (last meal) to 0-2-6. I’m on insulin as my body wasn’t agreeing with metformin and was making me so unwell. I’m honestly struggling mentally after the diabetic midwife made me out like I was failing my baby. My highest ever reading has been 7,...
Hey! Wondering if you see the line getting darker ?! Test from yesterday morning to this afternoon.
Hi everyone, i have my 16 week midwife appointment on tuesday coming up can anyone tell me what to expect please? x
Does having either gestational diabetes & pre eclampsia for one pregnancy, mean that every pregnancy after would also have this every time?
Can someone tell me why my LH level says “Peak” but my T/C ratio says “Low” (picture in the comments) I’m so confused and which one is actually accurate?
Ladies am I just seeing a very faint line I wish to see or can anyone else see it? We’ve been TTC for 3 years since having our first!
I’ve completed a self referral online for STSFT. Does anyone know what happens next, will it be a letter for an appointment with the midwife? (This is my first pregnancy)
I'm 6-9 dpo not 100% sure but is this a peak or positive? I just took another waiting for it to finish will post in comments
This is my first time misplacing my ebt card. If I go to the building can I get a replacement same day ?
Anyone else have to wait till january for their first appointment ill be 10/11 weeks by then.
Had unprotected on the 3rd and 10th…. Is it still too early to tell?
I don’t know if this is a stupid question or not, however who am I supposed to call and when? People say if you’re concerned to “call your midwife” how do I do this? Where can I find my midwife’s number? Is it for just one midwife or the whole team in my area? Honestly not a clue 😂