Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Care.

Midwife’s phone number?

I don’t know if this is a stupid question or not, however who am I supposed to call and when? People say if you’re concerned to “call your midwife” how do I do this? Where can I find my midwife’s number? Is it for just one midwife or the whole team in my area? Honestly not a clue 😂



How many women in this group have also had their baby already?!


Eliminating sugar

Hey for my pre-diabetic and diabetic mamas, have you eliminated foods with sugar, cane sugar as an ingredient? Do you eat honey, agave, date/coconut sugar in small amounts/moderation? I’m looking to eat fruits in moderation when I get a sweet tooth…my diabetes was in total remission for like 3 weeks and I’m trying t...


Does anyone have experience transferring OBs?

I’ve had several negative experiences at my OB office and today was sort of the last straw and I officially want to switch. I called the clinic I’d like to switch to and they do accept late pregnancies (yay!) My only question (that the lady didn’t know the answer to) is, we’ve already paid in full the first OBs fe...


Birth plan

This is my time getting pregnant. Do we need to give the written birth plan to the midwife? I am going to have my 28th week appointment coming saturday. How does that work telling the birthplan to midwife?


Midwife appointments

Hi ladies, just looking for a bit of advise. I currently go to sandwell hospital antenatal clinic for all my midwife appointments and all my scans. I have never met my midwife who was noted down. I also have never met the same midwife more than once. I have no notes and baby’s heartbeat has not been checked by the m...


Dye stealer?

Does this look close to becoming a dye stealer? I feel like it’s super strong - 15DPO🥹🤞🏼✨🌈



Last week I was diagnosed with GD, I am 26 weeks pregnant today. I’ve been on with reading my blood sugars 4 times a day, I have had the odd spike but mostly kept readings good(green). My first reading on a morning, before I have eaten anything, is always above 5.3, not crazy high but over 5.3. I was told that this ...


Faint line?

Can anyone see a very, very faint line, or am I imagining things? 🙈


If you were diagnosed with GD during pregnancy .. were you …

Been diagnosed with GD late into my pregnancy, wanting to be induced early as so concerned.


Prenatal appointments

Does your partner/spouse go to every doctor’s appointment with you?


How the hell do you navigate the NHS in England?!

Part rant, part genuinely seeking advice. So I’ve moved down from Scotland to be with my partner. I’ve been here pretty much full time since July/Aug but kept my care and ultimately had my baby in Scotland because transferring care down here was complicated and frankly subpar (closest/best hospital isn’t linked to...


Has everyone been given a 28 week appointment?

I'm 28 weeks this coming Tuesday and have had no appointment. I'm just wondering if everyone is meant to have one and Iv been missed or some people don't get given one.


Low blood pressure snacks/ tips

Hi ladies ☺️ I have had low blood pressure my whole pregnancy, but recently I've been having more dizzy/ woozy/faint spells. I mentioned it to be midwife and she isn't worried about them, she just said because it's already low, when it drops even more I feel it and causes the symptoms! I try to eat every 2-3 hours...


Dropping weight centile lines

My LO is now 2 centile lines lower than he was a few months ago (from 60th to 40th) and he’s nearly 6 months old. His other centile lines are around 80th. Should I be worried? I’m waiting to hear back from my health visiting team.


3 hour glucose results..

Got my 3 hour glucose results and my 3rd hour I had a HUGE drop.. has this happened to anyone else?? For reference this is the 2nd 3 hr I’ve had to do with this pregnancy after a high initial 1 hr. Also been having to keep an eye on my BP (borderline high). This is pregnancy #3, baby #2 and I’m 29 weeks.


Gestational diabetes

Did anyone give birth earlier than 40 weeks with gestational diabetes that you were able to keep under control with change of diet ?


Back to work

Anyone road going to work in January or soon? I haven’t sorted childcare and waiting for nurseries 🙃 I’m on waiting list though one said they’ve got two days from January waiting to hear back. Like what do you do lol just hope for the best? I’ve told work I’m still trying to sort childcare


Antenatal appointment

I’ve got an antenatal appointment tomorrow but they have said it will be at my home address.. anyone had this and what happens? Thanks 36wkspg


Okay guys, help…

Do you see lines?? I’m 12wks pp….


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