Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Care.
Hello! I’m currently 29+3 days. Have just been informed I have gestational diabetes, any mums that can give me some guidance on what to expect? TIA ☺️
Anyone else see a super faint line dead centre. Gonna test in a few days again but like am I being crazy ?
I think i see lines every month am i seeing things or are there lines? I think im 11dpo but could be 10dpo
Does anyone know how to access/request your hospital labour notes?
I’m only 12 weeks with twins, but have been told I’ll see midwife as normal and consultant as well. I stupidly forgot to ask how often I’d see the consultant or when that would start from. When did you see them first during your multiple pregnancy?
Would u guy say this is my peak x
He’s not mf pregnant 🫃you better own that shiii
Does anyone know the number to call for reduced movements to Leicester hospitals please
I swore i saw a faint line on the first first two and the bottom one is this morning. There's a line right?!
I found out I was pregnant yesterday and the test said 2 weeks. The first day of my last period was the 18th January but I didn’t ovulate until 2nd Feb. does this mean I’m 2 weeks or nearly 5 ?? Any help is appreciated
Can the GP help with this ? I checked online and I was seeing some ridiculous prices. What’s the process that you went through please ?
We BD CD 16. When would be the most effective day to BD going forward? TIA
I’m going crazy at this point😂 someone tell me how to get it off my mind, it’s just hard because I’m so impatient and I really want to know
Came up after the 10 mins but are really strong and faint where the postive should be . So confused!!
anyone have any tips for random flair up of acne through pregnancy? one day my face is clear the next acne all over my face. :(
i feel like i’m going crazy but i swear i see something
Hi all! I’ve got a serious case of line eyes but I wanted to know if everybody thought this was a faint positive or indent line as as I’ve heard clearblue are notorious for it.
I had my blood test results back from the IVF clinic and my thyroid is underactive, it came back its 10 when it should be 2.5 or there abouts. So the clinic have postponed my treatment until I can get that down. I now have to go and see my local GP about having medication. Has anyone had this before?
Hello I’m 35 weeks tomorrow and just been diagnosed with GD. I was tested as she was measuring big and hadn’t been tested since 21 weeks in worried that if it’s been untreated for some time she may be impacted already has anyone experienced a late diagnosis ?? What was the outcome and also any advice on how I should...
Honestly I'm not sure how to cope. Please if anyone else is going through this i could really do with som support. 😭