Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.
Had an early scan today due to history of recurrent miscarriage. According to LMP I should be 6weeks 5days, but measuring 5weeks 6days. A little worried. Baby did have heart beat, 85bpm. Trying to stay positive 💗
Six weeks today and I really thought I’d see that flicker but didn’t 😟
I was so excited to see my little man today! Who else got recent ultrasounds? Also, feeling more hormonal the last few days. Anyone else? I’m not a fan lol
I had a six week scan today but have to go back for a rescan in a couple of weeks, but did anyone feel a bit crampy afterwards?
Any recommendations for clinics near St Albans for an early pregnancy scan please?
I had my 20 weeks scan a couple of weeks ago, she did all the measurements and said baby was fine so I was happy. we were there for about 20 mins maximum. Since then I’ve seen loads of posts on here and people are talking about specific measurements of their baby and details they found out at their scan, also most p...
Went for an ultrasound at 29 weeks due to limited movement and reduced growth. Didn’t realise they had taken a picture until I got home. My anxiety is through the roof with the limited movement and growth and now the photo just doesn’t look right to me.. babies lips look huge, what do you think?
Finally my turn 🥹🥰 thought I was 12w but measuring at 13w! Any guesses? 🫶🫶🫶🫶
Has anyone had it where baby has fallen bellow 50th centile on a growth scan? What happened? I didn’t see the doctor only the person who done the scan so now panicking now I have seen this Had a growth scan 2 weeks ago and she was 6ib 4oz Now she’s only measuring 6ib 7oz
Has anyone heard the heart beat yet? I had to ask at my scan, as they don't have sound on. I didn't have to ask in previous pregnancy. Just wondering if anyone else has had this experience..... do midwives still check heart rates ? So much as changed since I was last in this position. :) x
I've got an early scan booked on Friday and I'll be 6 weeks 5 days, has anyone had one at the same time and it wasn't a waste of time? I'm worried I've booked too early
Had my six week scan today. Six weeks exact was told to come back in two weeks and yolk sac seen but no embryo. Anyone else had this and then it’s been all ok?
I had a scan this morning baby girl is weighing around 6lb 14oz I’m 36 weeks today! But they said they want me back in for another scan in 2 weeks due her her belly being bigger then they would like? What could this mean? I don’t wanna use google as it will just scare me 🫣😂
I’m 22+2 and have high blood pressure and today went for a Doppler ultrasound to make sure everything is ok with blood flow. Babies AC is showing 25weeks >97%tile has anyone had this and had GD or anything? I’m a little worried about having a big baby now
How do I know if my baby is head down if I have no more scans? Also how would I know if they’re back to back etc?? I’m so confused as this is my 1st baby
Anyone else experienced a tender/bruised stomach from the sonographer pushing really hard? Im panicking a little because i have ptsd from a previous loss
I had a scan on Sunday where we seen the heartbeat. I was around 6 weeks but it wasn’t dated due to being so early, I had the scan due to my miscarriage history to check the location of baby & truth be told I didn’t expect to see a heartbeat, this was the first time we’d ever seen one, it was breathtaking. I took ...
For those of you who have had a scan around 32 weeks, how many of you had baby head down? I had my placenta position checked yesterday, as it was low lying at 20 weeks and I was shocked to hear baby was already head down. I feel him kicking all over the place so I didn’t have a clue 😂
Just had a 32 week growth scan and baby is measuring under 10th perctile (8.7) I'm panicking so just wondered if anyone had had similar experiences and can reassure me that my little girl will be ok
Hi everyone! Currently 5 weeks pregnant, first time mum and I’m a nervous wreck! 😂 Still testing every day using the cheaper tests to make sure the line is getting darker. Very tired, boobs are SO SORE, and experiencing some cramping now which I know is totally normal. Is anyone going to get an early private scan? 😊