Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.

21 weeks and not rolling

Not rolling back to front or front to back. Can grab feet though. Should I be concerned? What can I do? We do lots of play on the floor and practicing


Breech baby at 35 weeks

Any recommendations on getting this little girl to move head down? Shes frank breech at the moment with the midwife telling me I have around 2 weeks for her to move back down before we have to consider a c section.


Back pain 😖

Is anyone else struggling with bad back pain? It’s the lower half of my back, literal agony and can’t sleep or relax just need some relief. ☹️



Baby girl is 3 weeks old and people keep mentioning about trying to get into a routine. Is anyone else in a routine? I feel like I need one and it may help my mental health because right now I feel like I’m all over the place



Does anyone else’s belly feel like tight/ like a bruised feeling ?


Advice regarding this!!!

So my baby will be 2.5 months now. Off late we have been noticing this on her, as you can see the cloth that was covering it has become yellow due to the fluid it was leaking. Any ideas what it could be? If any of your kids had it and did you do anything for it? We have a GP appointment for tomorrow but that’s the ...


Period or postpartum bleeding

I had my c section 4 weeks ago today and up until today, I’ve had very light bleeding/discharge. Today, I’ve woken up to heavier bleeding and what feels like a period! Is this too soon to be my period, should I be worried the bleeding has got heavier? Thank you!


Feeling overwhelmed!

I am finding this stage harder than any other! My baby is relatively content, we have had issues with sleeping and usually co sleep/contact nap but I am trying so hard to support her independently and she is getting there slowly At the moment by baby is shouting literally non stop unless she is in my arms, literall...


Postpartum bleeding

Hi, I am 7 weeks postpartum this coming Sunday and I am still bleeding, Is this normal? It is very light and mostly brown in colour but I thought it’s meant to stop by now? Just wondered if anyone else has experienced the same? Thank you!


Rib pain and labour

Has anyone got rib pain who has given birth before? Keen to know if you have to go through the pain in addition to labour pain 😭


Seeing baby’s movement?

FTM and 23 +3 days pregnant, I can feel a lot of movement but haven’t been able to see anything yet or feel on the outside, is this normal? Keep seeing moms talking about seeing / feeling their baby with their hands at 20+ so wondering if I should be concerned? TIA X



I feel so fatigued and exhausted that I could actually cry! I know that sounds majorly dramatic but I'm really struggling 🥱😭



I’m almost 18weeks the past week have been feeling movements but haven’t really felt anything today is this normal?


What is this??

FTM here. My daughter has been doing this jerking movement a lot with her head lately…should I be concerned? I can’t tell if it’s just a quirky thing or if it’s more serious like an infantile spasm or neurological thing. Maybe it’s just my mom anxiety. Any ideas?


Could i be pregnant?

I had lots of unprotected sex in December/January. I got my ‘period’ like normal on the 16th Jan, it started off light, extremely painful and seemed to tail off after about 1 & 1/2 days. Then on Sunday I had horrendous cramps to the point i almost went to a&e and a gush of heavy bleeding for a couple of hours. Im n...


Restless legs

Has anyone else got restless legs whenever they’re sat / led down? I’m 4wks+3 and I’m EXHAUSTED but every time I sit down or try and nap my legs start twitching and it’s so uncomfortable and annoying! 🥴



Has anyone else had pain below the bellybutton / pelvic pain thats almost like period cramps / small nipping pains. Also started getting back ache too 🙃 Not sure if its just round ligament pains, have taken paracetamol as it hasnt gone completely with rest


passing out

i’m 23 weeks pregnant and i keep passing out and puking at work or in the morning, i do eat but, is this normal?


33 weeks

Experienced mamas, how are you/did you move around at the end? I’m having a TERRIBLE time just getting in and out of bed. Rn I can only sit up for about a hour at a time then I have to lay down. Going to the store has just about stopped all together. 🥲


Expecting September 19th

Omg super excited were expecting 💙💕✨ Would love to connect with other moms to be just in cause I overthink For my experience mommmys, I have been cramping on and off and at night while sleeping if I make certain movements, my side hurts is this normal?


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