Community Posts, Tips & Support on Child Development

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.

Potty training—stuck

My daughter has really stopped wanting to use her kid potty at home for some reason when she used to love it, and us now doing better at daycare instead (probably because she sees other kids using it there). Any tips on how to get her interested at home again? Treats aren’t working


Potty training

This is just a quick question when is the right time time or age to start potty training ? In my head i thought around the toddler stage but im hearing some parents are doing it around 6/7 months What age is everyone going to potty train there babies?


Help 🤣

My 2 year old always wants to be in her training pants all day. I put clothes on her & she takes them off after about 5 mins. Anybody else's kid refuse to wear clothes at this stage?


Teething, what are some signs baby is close to cutting a tooth?

Baby has been teething for over a month now. Recently started getting really irritable and I’ve needed to rotate between milk pops, Tylenol and soothing tablets. Also super attached to mom at night, won’t sleep unless snuggled right up on me. Curious about when your LOs cut their first tooth and if there were any si...


Don’t kiss my baby

Why do people get so aggy when I ask them not to kiss my baby - it’s my baby!!She’s only just come out of hospital with a respiratory infection and even after me asking them not to family members are still doing it. Any tips to manage this??


Kissing and herpes

My partners friend kissed my babies hands and then baby put his own hands in his mouth, the friend that kissed babies hands has herpes! I'm not sure if he has a flare up atm, he didn't have any sores on his face. Does this mean my baby has herpes??? 🥺🙏🏼💜


Potty training

Is your child potty trained or are you currently trying or have you not started?


Tips for getting 3 year olds to listen to instructions better.

Like when we are out in public and say “time to go potty,” or “time to go.” And he flips out and runs away, how can I avoid this?? Help.


Teeth growing out of place?

Is the teeth growing normally or is this something to be concerned about? It looks like it’s out of place.


Dentist appointment

Hi, I'm 6 months pp and have bleeding gums. I was told that for the next 1 year I am eligible for free NHS Dental health support. However none of the Dentist around my area are accepting NHS patient registration for a long time so I haven't been able to access any Dental service so far. Please could you share your...


Reaction or teething?!

4 month old. Started the transition yesterday, I m overthinking everything



Good morning, Has anyone else experienced this? My boys is 9 months old, since Monday he’s been getting a temperature of around 38, I think he is teething as he’s very irritable and unsettled, when he put something in his mouth he cries. On Monday morning he woke up with a spot on his chin,yesterday another one ...


Potty training 🫠

I'm looking for advice on potty training and a little idea of people's routines around potty training 🙃. He hates the potty and will only play with it 😅,I think he sees it as a toy (it flushes loud and flashes). I've had him on the toilet this morning. He seemed a lot better on toilet,but I'm struggling to make…


Teething 10 month old

My 10 1/2 month old baby seemed to be teething and drooling since about 4 months. He still seems to be teething but no sign of teeth coming anytime soon. Should I be concerned ? I’ve seen babies 5/6 month old with 2/4 teeth and I’m just worried. I know all babies are different.


Crying for 3 hours

My 4 months doesn’t want to eat i feel like she is teething and she doesn’t want to take her bottle every time she tries to eat it. She starts crying, but I can tell she she’s hungry and exhausted from crying. She keeps sucking her whole hand and her mouth. What do I do I gave her Tylenol for the pain and she still ...


Is it OK to clean teeth before GD test?!?!

I know you have to fast but when you clean your teeth you don't swallow or consume anything so surely it's safe?! I hate leaving the house without cleaning my teeth!! Happy to hear all opinions. No mention of teeth brushing on my information form, just specifies no chewing gum. 🤷‍♀️🤔😂


Can anyone tell me what this is around my daughters mouth she got it last night and I tried creams and not going away she does have a doctors appointment in a little bit

Never seen this on any of my kids


Dentist visit

My son is 16 months old and now has 5 teeth. Have other parents taken their little ones to the dentist yet, not sure when to start taking him.


Potty training + creche

My daughters showing signs of being ready I was hoping to try this weekend but after talking to creche they said if she has 3 accidents they put them back in nappies. This isn’t what I want as I wouldn’t be doing this in the house and don’t want her getting confused. Should I wait until half term when we are both of...


Has your baby had high temp with teething (38C +)?

Mixed info online that fever can be due to teething


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