Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.
A very hard picture to take of my 8 month olds gums but does this picture look like 2 teeth are cutting through?
My 3 year old little boy hates the toilet and potty and every time we’ve attempted potty training he has held it in and wasn’t communicating so we stopped. However, he hasn’t long been talking properly and had a speech delay. Whereas now he has caught up on his speech and has come on leaps and bounds. So last week ...
We’re on day 3. She’s done 2 poo’s in the potty really easy. She tells me when she needs a poo anyway, has done for a while, so this doesn’t surprise me. The issue is, when she’s weeing she’s just freezing on the spot, (so weeing on the floor) still doing this on day 3 - just this morning. I’m having to pick her u...
Anyone started potty training or sitting little one on potty? Which ones have people gone for? Thanks
2.6 month old keeps taking his pjs and nappy off in his cot in the morning. Is this a sign hes ready for potty training?
Hi ladies, hoping for some advice. What methods have you all used? Has anyone introduced the potty whilst still in a nappy? Everything I’m reading is to go nappy free but with another baby at home I don’t feel like I can give it my full attention and don’t have the time to be cleaning up the mess which is why we hav...
My daughter is 22 months. I feel like she's been ready since 18 months old to be potty trained but I've just been procrastinating. Finally I've begun... Prior to beginning she would 1) tell me when she's made, 2) ask me to give her clean diapers 3) sit on her toilet with her clothes on next to me 4) has asked me to...
I feel so embarrassed by this… but my daughter is 4 and she’s barely potty training. Is it possible for kids to feel completely done with pull ups, and WANT to wear underwear but they’re refusing to go to the toilet???? I am crying over here. I still have to take her every few hours to see if she has to go pee or n...
Has anyone started potty training their 2 year old or almost 2 year old? How’d it go?
Hi mamas, question for y’all.. does this look like a bite mark?
Hey all! My son will be 4 in March, and we are having a hard time with potty training. We reinforce to let us know when he has to pee/poop, and tell him to go on the potty. When we leave his pull-up or underwear off, he does run to the bathroom to go on the potty. But if we keep his pull ups or underwear on, he will...
Anyone else having a hard time.potty training their 3 year old? Mine straight up tells me he does not want to use the potty that he likes diapers... I'm at a loss and lowkey getting frustrated.. my first son was trained at 3.5 but he wasn't refusing, it was just me who was a little late to train him.. however with...
I need help ! 😩 My little girl is 2 I want to start potty training and idk where to start or how to get her to tell me she has to use the restroom any trip tip or advice would be amazing
She has red cheeks, is off her milk, generally unsettled
We’re first day in to potty training my little boy so far so good but wondering how long people waited till the put pants on there little ones?
My babies got really bad teething rash. Is there anything I can do to help calm it down? Without it naturally going away by itself? It's worse in person and red raw. It's on her chin as well, is that normal?
I need all the potty training tips mamas 😭
Give me all your tips! Hoping to start this weekend. Have done lazy EC and he seems ready but I'm nervous about accidents in public or in bed (we bed share). Do you still use pull ups when out and about or at night? Thanks I'm advance
Hey everyone! My 4 year old son has reached the potty training, which is going well for the most part, but... he refuses to watch my husband and learn how to stand and go, he only ever wants to watch me so he only ever sees people sit. Any tips or advice to move him to standing like guys do instead of sitting?
So I recently got yelled at by two women who went and got an employee at the gym to ask me to leave a locker room. Because no children allowed. The family locker room was full. We had only been there a few minutes. Anyway my kid just turned four and is a boy. But I was really baffled and offended…. Anyway got my bra...