Community Posts, Tips & Support on Child Development

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.

Toilet Regression

Need some tried and tested advice! Girl has been toilet trained since early August, the odd accident here and there, never done a number 2 accident (very luckily) but at nursery she’s started to regress and I’m at a loss with what to do. She keeps going into the toilet with staff, they then give her privacy, even h...


Teething struggles

My little one has two bottom teeth and I’ve noticed that all four top incisors are coming through at the same time 😩😩. I’m currently giving paracetamol, ibuprofen and Ashton and parsons powder as well as home remedies like cold fruit and veg, spring onions and teething toys but nothing seems to be giving long term…


You’re on the road and you have to urgently use the restroom

What are you doing?


Growing fast

My baby only 1 and I didn’t want to potty train her so fast, but she’s showing signs she’s ready😮‍💨😮‍💨


Potty training

Nearing the end of day 3 and I have had many a cry myself never mind my daughter. I can’t see much progress she still runs behind a curtain to pee/poo, she’s pooed in her knickers today and done a full on wee and doesn’t seem to care?? The thing is I’m due my 2nd baby in 8 weeks and she also starts nursery within a ...


Potty training

Help! We've been potty training for months now and my LO is fine when he is naked from the waist down with no accidents but as soon as we put pants and trousers on he doesn't seem to care about being wet and having accidents and almost thinks it's funny. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


Jaw shaking at 4 weeks

Hi all, has anyone experienced/ seen their newborn chittering/ shaking there jaws (as if they are cold) but ive checked temp and is all okay. Should i be worried?


Potty Training Readiness

My son will be 2 in March and wondering when we should start potty training? How do I know when he is ready? And how do we start? We got him a potty and he will sometimes sit on it (with his diaper on) while I am using the restroom and he says, “potty.” It has a pretend flusher on it that makes the sound so he will ...


Public Toilets with baby?!

Hi Girls, Maybe a silly question but I went to touchwood today and needed the loo but had baby and pram with me... I went to the baby changing by John lewis but there seemed to be no cubicles... How do I navigate this? Would I fit into the disabled loo with the pram? Do I need to make sure I'm near a baby changing /...


Is anyones 4 month old teething?

Sorry if this has been talked about already. Im so bad at finding specific posts. I’m a FTM so I have no Idea what to do. He’s been showing little signs here and there, but this weekend was bad. He was in so much discomfort. Sticking his hands in his mouth aggressively, not wanting his soft pacifier, crying so hard...


potty training

we started yesterday - does anyone have any estimate on how long it'll be until we can start going out and doing things as normal? i know every kid is different but would love to hear experiences!



My girl has finally gone toilet at home she been using toilet at daycare for a few weeks now but been scared to use it at home but she went running to the toilet and started using it 🥳


Potty training

Has anyone started/yet to start? Helps tips tricks please 🙈



Ok, so I had to take my 3-year-old old son to the doctor this past week because he hadn't pooped for a week. The doctor pulled out a poop that was blocking everything else and had me run him to the toilet where he pooped quite a bit, but now that was Wednesday. He still won't poop. She said he was holding it, which ...


Someone please help, my baby had had bad teething symptoms for over a month and a half but no teeth cutting through

Honestly my baby is the whingy fussy baby and has been ‘teething’ for way over a month and a half, I honestly can’t do this anymore what should I do? He’s extreme every day


Too much crying?

i’m not sure if it’s just me being overstimulated or what but it feels like my almost 1 year old cries ALL THE TIME. i can not catch a break. i offer her food, i’ll change what ever is on the tv, she doesn’t want to be held, i offered her food/ snacks and NOTHING. she is just constantly fussy and she used to not be ...


Potty training readiness

It feels crazy that I'm posting this because my daughter isn't even 17 months old yet! But she just attempted to say the word poop, did the sign for diaper change, then pointed the bathroom when I went to change her. So I sat her on the potty and she pooped within a minute. Sometimes we'll sit her on the potty if sh...


Dental work during postpartum

Has anyone had dental work done during the postpartum stage? I'm pretty sure I'm going to need teeth removed and some root canals. But I'm aiming for a full set of dentures. But I also don't want to miss work so I'm trying to see how long it takes to heal and how long I should be out of work for it.


Playing with bottle

Hi, My 3 month old isn't drinking much of her milk and is playing around with her teat a lot in her mouth. I do think she is teething, but wondered if it could be anything else? We did recently up her teat size and she began to get on really well with the change but now she is back to playing with the teat again.



How do I know when my baby is teething? He’s almost 3 months old but he’s been really fussy the past few days and I’m not sure if he’s teething or not?


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