Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.
So my daughter will be 8 months old on the 29th, and she has been on purées ever since she was almost 6 months old. She eats food twice a day for breakfast and dinner and has bottles throughout the day. She's done well the entire time, but for the past 2 weeks, she seems uninterested in breakfast. I'm not sure if sh...
My baby has just been on purées and ready brek but I want to try more proper food. I want her to have pasta and get it everywhere I think it’s the cutest thing in the world 🥺. BUT I don’t know how to serve the pasta please can you share what you do x
Hey! My little one is making me question my sanity lol! She will eat most things for dinner - she will eat any meat/veg/pasta/rice etc but breakfast time is always a struggle. She will only eat fruit/veg and natural yogurt. I have tried oats, weetabix, ready brek… anything other than natural yogurt and she just won’...
Hi, anyone else still got a toddler that BFs loads including to sleep and multiple times in the night and doesn't seem to eat much? I just feel like we should have progressed from this and I'm not sure if I need to try and do something about it or if it's still within the realms of what's biologically normal? He har...
Struggling for lunch ideas. We often have leftovers for a second dinner in the week so using it for lunch doesn’t work. I was doing ‘picky bits’ as we’re generally out of the house at lunchtime but given it’s colder now and she’s getting bigger I feel like she should be having a hot meal? What kind of things do yo...
Hey mums, My LG has started weaning, our HV said it's normal for them to spit the food out but she's had 5 lots of "food" first broccoli, then carrot (loved the carrot) then broccoli again and again carrot (second time she didn't like the carrot) she's just tried banana today & that got a screw face & spat out. I p...
Hi! Please could anyone share their milk & food routine? Thank you x
Does anyone have recommendations for good baby food steamer and blenders? I am struggling to choose one and would love to hear your thoughts on these blenders
When are you giving your baby pureè? In the morning or evening? My baby is not interested to even swallow any of it she spits it out.. wondering if she just isn’t ready yet or full at the times I’m feeding her ? Confusing
My toddler refused lunch and dinner at home yesterday and breakfast at nursery today. She has a tooth coming through. Is it because of that do you think? I can’t remember what she was like with the other teeth! Thank you
So my baby started weaning 1 1/2 months ago. We started with purées and now I started BLW. He is not a foodie at all😫 he likes BLW but most things he just squishes in his hand without eating, unless it’s like orange or cucumber which he can grab and put to his mouth. Can I give him everything? I’ve seen mums giving…
Anybody else’s baby not interested in food? He was 6 months on 8th June. He is now poorly on antibiotics so I have stopped it for abit as he isn’t even taking his milk due to being ill! But I can’t help but compare him to his sister, she took to it so well! & it just is hard to not stress 🙃
How do I stop it? Son is 2 yrs at the end of Jan, fyi. Sometimes the second I sit his plate in front of him, he's already throwing the cutlery or food, sometimes it's as he eats/finishes something, other times he doesn't want to eat any of it & just tosses the whole plate... There's no rhyme or reason 😤 It's…
My 18 month old randomly cries and throws temper tantrums at me quite often. This happens more during dinner or lunch as she on meal rejection spree these days. Today she cried for 30 mins during dinner. It was so bad that she kept falling off and crying constantly by the corner of our room. I felt so awful after th...
8 months old but he gags/chokes on foods so I have only managed purees that are really liquid for 4 or 6 months only but anything lumpy he can't manage but I have given puff veg crisps and biscuit in bits that he has made soggy enough to manage or yoghurts but I'm having a bit of struggle to try anything different a...
Please tell me I’m not the only one with a toddler that barely ever eats?? I’m losing my mind over here trying to find things he’ll eat and he won’t eat like 90% of anything. The pediatrician said his growth is fine and everything but as a mom it’s literally stressing me out every single day to the point where I’m ...
My LO is 6 months and we are gonna start with BLW, for his first meals, is it okay if I cook his food using the same pots/blender/utensils we use for our food?
Did anyone offered prawns to your toddlers ? I was thinking to make sauce
Hello! So my little guy is nearly six months and showing all the signs of being ready for food. Could anyone recommended any golf books or websites for information on the best way to start weaning. What to give them first etc. thank you!! X
Guys, I need some ideas. My 15 month old seems to be hungry all the time now. What are you letting your baby snack on beside fruit? I wish I could make all my babies food but that’s unrealistic so what are some decent stuff I can pick up at the store as well?