Community Posts, Tips & Support on Children's Health & Nutrition

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.

Time for Solids?

My LO is eating 6 oz has anyone started feeding their babies rice ceral or purées


10 month old stopped eating solids

My boy just suddenly stopped eating solids a few days ago and it’s stressing me out! He got on a pretty good routine of having 3 meals a day and he has started either not opening his mouth at all when I try to feed him or storing it all in his mouth then spitting it out. I’ve tried feeding him with utensils and lett...


Did you toddler go from being a pretty good eater to suddenly picky and won’t eat anything unless it’s the stuff she’s familiar with which is not the best 🥲. (Mac and cheese, always eating 1 fruit instead of trying others, etc.)

Went from liking stuff to thinking it’s the worse thing on the planet. Fed her all kinds of stuff that she actually liked and now she refuses if she thinks it’s nasty like what ??? I know she’ll like it too and she just doesn’t want to try it im so frustrated. Today was actually a good day and she ate this chicken t...


Food throwing 🤦‍♀️

How is everyone tackling the food throwing phase? Since my little girl has turned 1 all she does is throw every meal on the floor… I’m starting to get concerned that she isn’t eating enough. If I try and feed her myself she kicks off like crazy, she hates it… yet if I give her food so she can feed herself she takes ...


Lunch ideas

Find lunch the hardest meal… I feel like I only alternate between scrambled eggs, avocado & toast or pancakes fruit and yoghurt… any other ideas lol


Do I have a right to be upset

Grandparents watched five-year-old, gave her a Taco Bell burrito at 1 o’clock then no food until I picked her up at 6


Feel like a failure

In my 4th month of weaning my daughter, I started this journey when she was 6 months, she’s now 10 months. It’s been a really enjoyable experience so far she’s doing really well with different textures, colours, taste! She gets so happy about trying different foods, makes me happy seeing how much of a foodie she is!...


Is it acceptable to send your baby to nursery having not had breakfast that morning, knowing their nursery provides breakfast

I know this sounds like a silly thing to worry about but my baby starts nursery soon and her nursery provides breakfast, so part of me is wondering whether to just skip her breakfast on the days she goes in to save time? Because I’ll be in such a rush and I’ll already have to wake up extremely early! But also wonder...


Bottles and solids!

For those of you that are now giving solids, how are you working this alongside the bottles? How many bottles are you giving and with how many meals? Has your baby dropped any ounces or even a whole bottle? For some reason my mind has gone completely blank to when I weaned my daughter a few years ago and I just can...


Finger food lunch ideas

Finger food lunch ideas for an 8 month old please?


meal times

hi everyone , Basically my little one is 14 months and he’s not really having his meals anymore . I do BLW , and he’s not really interested . I’ve tried feeding him myself and he’s not engaging with that. If I’m lucky he will feed himself the tiniest bit of food but no way near enough so I’m resulting in giving hi...


Not interested in food

Is it only my baby that has little interest in food? She puts every random thing in her mouth but food she touches with her tongue and throws it away! Purée foods she has a few mouthfuls and not interested. Can someone help me where I am going wrong?! 🫠



Hi all my little one is exclusively breastfed. Now we have started solids he isn't on boob for long during the day. However he also won't drink much either (and definitely not water despite tempting him with added fruits and juices etc). I am worried because he is not having full nappies either. Today's nappy was pr...


Baby not feeding well

Starting to lose my mind a bit LO (3 months 2 weeks) is hungry but too fussy to eat sucks for a few seconds then pulls away and gets really fussy physically bending his back and twisting his head away then come back to suck and the same circle continues. Also noticed he went from consuming 4oz in 1 feeding to consum...


How much are you guys spending on food shopping a month?

Me my partner, his mum who only joins our dinner and baby are spending around £350 a month on food. This seems like quite a lot and I always filter to look for cheapest of each product and look the just essentials range on asda. This is excluding any baby related items like baby’s formula and nappies or any pouche...


Finger foods?

Good finger foods for 7.5m old? She loves her crisps, biscuits and toast, trying to encourage to feed herself a few more bits, easy for her to keep hold of, suggestions please as my mind feels blank! Also what kinda meals are your LO’s currently having?


Need inspiration, shattered mama. (8 1/2 months)

Hi all! My son is currently on mashed or lumpy puree meals and with some finger food. Fingers crossed food is mostly the dummy with the fruit in to hold or boiled veggies or melty sticks, or pasta. I would love some ideas for everything from breakfast, and dinner. We have lots of purées to use up in the freezer ...


What are you putting in a packed lunch?

What sort of things are you putting in your little ones packed lunch or offering as snacks? We try and be low processed but find it hard when on the go or needing something quick?


Lunch and dinner inspo

What are you giving your babies for lunch and dinner? And is anyone not really doing BLW yet? We have attempted a few times but my baby will take a massive bite out of the appropriately cut food we give him so obviously a choking hazard and it just terrifies me and we have to stop, so still feeding him myself. We a...


High Calorie Snacks

I have a friend who suffers really badly with anxiety and as a result isn’t eating. She’s already very slim and I am worried that she’s going to make herself really ill. Does anyone know any great high calorie snacks or anything I can buy for her to encourage her to eat, even a little something! Tia x


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