Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Care.
Hi this isn’t really baby related but can anyone help and know much about evri delivery!? Ive been tracking my parcel and it was supposed to be here on the 4th it’s stuff for my little one for Xmas and it’s said on the evri tracker “we’ve got it “ for the past week I can not get hold of anyone from evri! The courie...
A friend has booked us in for a softplay place tomorrow and we've not been to one before. Should we follow her around in the softplay? She's just turned 2 and is typically used to big open spaces and is very independent, although if there are other kids around she likes to hold my hand until she's settled and playing.
My 7 week old is struggling to poo he was on kendamil and only used to poo every 2 days I then changed to Aptamil and now he hasn’t pooped at all it’s now day 5 and still nothing. He does fart a lot and grunts seems like he’s wants to poo. Anyone else experienced constipation or changing milks?
my 4 week old is having really loose wet poos is this normal?
Does anyone know if see your baby is still open in glen pava, I’ve tried to ring yesterday all day and today but nothing?
Pooping loads, literally been 4 times this morning and I feel really sick. Baby is so active in there as well. Does this mean she may come early
I'm wondering if anyone else hasn't seen their HV since the 6-8 week mark? She did say the next official meeting would be at around 10 months to a year, but I keep seeing people saying they see them weekly? I haven't had my LG weighed since 8 weeks, I'm not concerned but there's no walk in HV services near me unless...
Hi! My baby dropped from 98 centile to 90 centile. Up until 2.5 months old he gained weight consistently, but about a month ago it started slowing down, then he had a week when he actually lost 200g, then gained a bit of weight back and now pretty much stagnant for the past 2+weeks. I went to the GP as he does hav...
Hey, anyone recommend anywhere good for a 15 month old who’s not fully walking independently yet?
My baby has had HFM this week and I've woken up this morning with red spots on my palms and ulcers on my tongue 😣 I'm worried as can I pass it back to him?
My partners family are demanding a dna test because they believe that my baby ain’t my partners I’m 27 weeks pregnant and this is stressing me out so much. On top of that they want me to research and find a way I can get a paternity test for free any advice x
My 3 week old hasn’t had a poo in 3 days now. She’s EBF and is well above her BW. Overall seems quite healthy with a good number of wet nappies. Asked the midwives as well as GP but they don’t seem as concerned as they are happy with her weight gain. I’ve been quite worried though and just want her to poo now. She...
Honestly pretty pissed off right now. I applied for the childcare subsidy(which is a looooong process, takes up to 8 weeks to hear if you're approved or not) and received an email asking for additional documentation. All good so far. So, I reply using Gmail, send everything through on October 29th. I decided to chec...
If I did dna through cms can dad then apply for pr??
For those that LO have had the 1 year vaccines how did your babies react? We are due to go away in 2 weeks and unsure whether to postpone till when we come back or do it now and get it over and done with. I just dont want to risk any illness whilst we are away
So my baby is 4 months and 1 week old, he was showing signs of being ready to wean we tried baby rice he hated it and was then advised to try and dissolve a bit of rusk in some formula and spoon feed him it which is what we've done, he had this for a few days and loved it, we then started adding the ella's kitchen 4...
He’s balding in some parts of his head and my family keeps telling me to shave it so it could grow back even and thicker but I’m nervous about it cuz it’s a possibility his hair texture will not be the same . He has really curly hair . Has anyone done this or know someone do it ? Or any hair professionals with some ...
I’ve got a health visit tomorrow and I’ve always lied about co sleeping as scared to say it as they’re so very serious about baby must be in a cot. If I am to say we are now cosleeping following the safe 7 basically am I going to get in trouble or will it raise a flag? It’s sad that the nhs go against it so much whe...
My son loves bath time but hates having his hair washed. He has a head full of curls. He doesn’t mind getting the conditioner brushed out but doesn’t like water in his face. He won’t let me put my hand over his eyes to keep the water out of them and when he does tip his head back he tips it forward the moment the wa...
My nearly 5 month old has started almost pushing himself out of his angelcare bath seat to the point where i have to hold him in it in the bath so he doesn’t jump out and hit his head🥲 he can’t sit up yet so i have no idea what to do lol xxx