Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.
My question is can you overfeed your baby formula? Unfortunately after a very traumatic birth with an emergency c-section and hemmorage losing three litres of blood I was forced to combination feed because my supply was low. I am feeding 75% formula my baby keeps crying all the time like she's in pain , arching back...
my baby is a week old tomorrow, and we are currently combi feeding, I spend pretty much the whole day breastfeeding and the late evening she has formula, I feel like she doesn't quite get enough from me in the evenings yet to really fall asleep ): i also had a c-section so im not sure if that is affecting my supply,...
According to my judgmental mother, I’m feeding my child too much. My October baby is my second and he was born 8ibs, never lost his birth weight and has continued to grow at a fast rate. At 4 weeks he was 11ibs😭! 0-3 months is very snug now so he’s in 3-6 month clothing. I express my breastmilk and give one…
How is everyone working out their babies age I would say my son is 4 months. But will work it out by 25th to the 25th is classed as a month. But I see some ppl doing it by weeks so would be 16weeks is 4 months How are you doing it Calendar months ? Weeks?
My little boy has been constipated for a few days now and doctor has prescribed lactulose syrup to be given twice daily although baby doesn’t like taking it from the syringe. Does anyone know if I can mix the lactulose solution in with bottle of formula and give it that way?
For those whose are formula feeding, how much are you giving per feed? My little girl is 8 days old and often draining 120mls every 3-4 hours and then still looking around for more an hour or so later. She was 8lbs 8oz at birth and only dropped 4% since
Can I give ready brek to my 6 month old?
Struggling to get hold of kendamil milk . Not able to order any on the website. Really hope they aren’t discontinued:(
Any working tips please on how to get a 3 month old to accept a bottle again? I’ve been EBFing but whenever I need to leave the house for a few hours, nobody else can feed the little one as she wouldn’t take the bottle at all. Tried all kinds of brands and different teats and still a no-go. She was fine with taking ...
Hey ladies, Just wanted to share something that’s worked for me! 🥳 Fennel tea has really helped increase my milk supply and reduced my baby’s gas. 🍼🍼 I’ve been drinking a cup of it every day, and it’s been a game-changer. I use fennel seeds and make the tea at home—my mom actually started making it for me in…
My Little boy is 9 days old and i desperately want to exclusively breastfeed. However I am not producing enough milk. He feeds for around 20mins each time and sometimes it’s 40mins and he’s crying for more. When he is still hungry we top him up with formula and he’s then content but I want to be able to produce enou...
Does it count as milk intake if I make my LO oatmeal from the leftovers she doesn't drink?
After hearing about this new milk scandal. I am worried. 1. Because I have drank soooo much milk in my pregnancy so I’m worried it’s harmed baby 2. Is cow and gate formula affected too ? Or is it all just lies (this is the best outcome) 🤣
So my little one is 1 (I AM NOT READY 😭) in 3 weeks, when do you start phasing out the formula and go onto whole milk? **He is currently on 3 8oz bottles a day **
We give 1 weetabix or 10g of porridge with 50ml milk but some days she cries when it’s finished like she wants more. It seems like a lot to me but am I giving her enough?
How many bottles of milk does your little one have a day?
Post jabs, do you need to sterilise the calpol syringe? I’ve just been washing in warm soapy water and now concerned I should’ve sterilised as everything else as this age is (3 month old) thanks ☺️
Hello mamas, my little boy turned 1 on Thanksgiving day! And I actually don’t have our 12 month checkup until after the new year, but our WIC starts us out Dec w/ whole milk & no formula. So I have two cans left and I’m going to try to transition over. My question is, will the feeding times be less then formula? I’m...
Hey ladies, was wondering has anyone started the transition from formula/breast milk to whole milk? Have been told various times recently to start doing it, tried giving baby girl some yesterday and today but she has been teething and had a cold so idk if it’s that the reason as to why she doesn’t like it or not. Sh...
Hey mama’s I was wondering when do you increase your LO milk? My mom keeps telling me to increase it a little bit each week but I thought it was based off of how much your baby weights. My 4 month old is 14 lbs so he be getting about 35 oz in a 24 hour period. He is gaining weight and his pediatrician has no problem...