Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Milestones

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.

Baby shaking head

My nearly 10 month old has started shaking his head or wiggling it from side to side- he doesn’t appear to be in pain and seems to be doing it to get a reaction out of us (we head wiggle back, it’s sweet to see his new trick). Does your LO do this, or should I be ringing the dr as he was also scratching at his ears...


Pulling/sucking hair

My baby boy has an obsessive compulsive need to eat hair. He sucks his fingers and when he’s really crying, he frantically pulls at my hair, wraps it around his fingers and sucks them. It soothes him immediately. I’ve tried putting my hair up but he still grabs at the hairs on the nape of my neck and sometimes pulls...


Husband doesn’t speak to our children kindly.

My husband and I have a 1 year old and an *almost* 3 year old. He doesn’t speak to either of them kindly. He speaks to them like they’re animals. If one of them is in his way he will yell “MOVE” to them. Instead of simply walking around them or saying excuse me or literally anything else. Just MOVE. If they don’t li...


He’s in the 99th percentile for height!

At first glance would you guess this baby is only 9 months old? Guess again! Little man is 32 inches and now wears 18 month old clothing!


🤚 🦶 👄

Yep…. All three of us have hand foot and mouth. What do we do? Anything to help little man. He’s 8months?


Is anyone doing baby sign?

Ws are using BSL based baby sign, and my 18 weeks old ( 19 weeks on monday) signed nappy 3 times yesterday after pooping! We thought the first was a coincidence, but after 3 times, it can't be! She also recognises the sign for milk and smiles and opens her mouth ready for booby! I can't believe how much they under...


8 week old baby.. very little eye contact

My baby is 8 weeks old and barely gives any eye contact. But does occasionally but only for a couple seconds. How much eye contact did/does your baby give at this age?


Constant anger

My son is 19mo now and constantly angry. Everything makes him angry, he screams all the time. Constantly throwing tantrums and when you try to calm him down he headbutts me, bites me, slaps me? Can’t take him anywhere cause all I get is judgement from everyone in public and it’s never worth it but at the same time i...


Whiny baby during wake windows

Anyone’s LO going through a really whingy and whiny stage? Just turned 8 months and has started to crawl. I thought once he could crawl it would stop as he’s finally on the move but it’s still happening..


Toddler annoying touch drives me insane

My toddler does this thing where she squishes my arms,rubs my face,puts her feet on me or kisses me in a way that drives me insane she even grinds her teeth and makes a voice like when you see a cute dog and can’t help but want to squish it. Omgggg it drives me insane. Is this normal behavior for toddlers? Or is sh...



Should I be worried. My little one who is 8 weeks old is not smiling. He doesn’t always look at me and focus, looks around a lot.



Anyone's little one just become a bit crazy, clingy, and a whole sort of tornado...? My girl doesn't want toys she just wants to be on top of me, walking around bumping her head, or ripping throwing her toys around. Someone tell me it's not just me 😭😂


11 month old can’t pull to stand

I’ve been worried about babies development forever really. She seems to have what physio calls “flexible hips” which has really delayed her crawling because she’s not even able to keep her knees together to crawl. She can now do this over recent days but still can’t pull to stand. She gets up on her knees but can’t ...


Slow 7 month old baby

So I seem to have a really slow baby I seen loads of mums posting about there baby’s getting their teeth come through. Rolling, sitting even nearly crawling, and I look at my lil boy thinking what’s going on he can sit but not unaided, he can roll from back to belly we have no teeth and little signs of crawling but ...


Raptor Screaming

Is anyone else’s baby waking up full on screeching, screaming like a raptor? It’s ear deafening & really stressful! My LO just screams soooo loud & it takes me over an hour to settle her, the kicking & thrashing about it’s hard work! I’m so overstimulated 😭


Any tips for crawling?!

My LO just turned 9 months! She’s doing a lot of carpet time and manages to get on her fours but just can’t seem to have her move back and forward. When she reaches for a toy she ends up on her tummy again and that’s it. Like a cycle! 😂 🤷🏻‍♀️ any help would be appreciated..


Weird comments towards my son

I guess this is a rant/seeing if anyone else relates. Sometimes my parents or their friends make raunchy comments about my 5 month old son as a “joke”. It really bothers me. Like if a woman is holding my son and he puts his face near her chest or touches her chest, they’ll say things like how he likes boobs because ...


Screaming during diaper change

Any tips to get through diaper changes without my newborn feeling like she’s being tortured? At times she can get through it without crying and other times, especially at night, she hates it so much. Bless my heart because I understand I have to remain calm


Clingy baby

Is anyone else’s baby still so clingy? I’m still not able to leave his side to do anything 🥲



LO has started tantrum. Crying and screaming and will throw herself on floor. She won’t let us come near her. So how do you deal with this? Do you ignore?


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