Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Milestones

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.

18 month no speech

My 18 month old does not say any words and this is causing him to get frustrated. Tantrums lead to him banging his head on the floor. He can walk, climb stairs, use a spoon. But seems delayed in speech. He babbles but will not copy and speech we do. He will fake laugh and we fake laugh back and he will repeat but...



My baby is about to be 8 months old and I feel like she may be falling behind. I see all these other babies crawling and sitting themselves up and some even pulling themselves up to stand already. My baby will sit if I sit her up but can’t sit herself yet she can’t even get up on her knees yet my fiance and I work w...


Whingy Baby

Anyone got any tips on how to cope with a whingy 10 month old? I thought when he could crawl he would be happier but he can now do that and he still whinges. Also, god forbid I put him down and walk to the other side of the room, let alone nip out the room 🙈



My baby is 7 months and showing no signs of attempting to crawl, I'm really sick of going online and having all these timelines to milestones really puts me off. Any advice to help him crawl? Should I be worried?


Foot turning inwards when walking in shoes

My little girl is walking (not independently but hand holding) I’ve noticed the last couple of days when she is wearing shoes her right foot goes inwards quite a bit. Has anyone else noticed this when your little one is in shoes or starting to walk. It doesn’t vary between each foot but I can’t say it’s noticeable w...


5 month old grunting

Is anyone else’s baby grunting like all the time? She doesn’t appear to be in pain or distressed but there’s this constant grunting when she’s in her bouncer. She doesn’t cry or throw a fit, just grunting along with some “talking”.


Not walking at 15 months

Hi my baby isn’t walking yet. We’ve tried everything and the health visitor says if she’s not walking by 18 months she’ll need to refer her for physio. Anyone else’s baby refusing to walk? Or heard of babies like this that walked fine later?


Baby hates the car!

Does anyone else littles one hate the car?? I can’t work out why. We’ve tried what feels like everything. Before a nap so he is tired (hoping he will sleep) After a nap (so he is happy) In the front with air bag off In the back with a mirror Toys, teethers, we have the baby Einstein aquarium Singing (even th...


How many words should he be saying?

I'm really concerned my little one doesn't speak. If he wants something, he says nana. He has always had trouble with babbling, and I've noticed he doesn't close his lips for sounds like Mama. Should I raise my concerns? Thanks in advance for any advice


What's going on with our 2 month old babies

My girl is wearing 6 month clothes and has learned to roll over started at 6 weeks but has gotten good at it. finally sleeping in big stretches night with only 1 wake. Lots of smiles and sweet little sounds realizing she has a voice. Share your special moments


Son can't say words/point at 15 months

Hi all! My husband keeps looking up milestones and is worrying himself that our 15 month old doesn't point or say words yet. He has been walking for a few months but should we be concerned? He babbles and we think he might say "yeah" but everytime we say that each baby is different, he then goes on the Internet an...



Tip on how to help my baby stop crying when she’s been changed/fed/burped/ect/everything you can think of yet won’t stop crying. I wish I could read her tiny little mind LOL


Pre walker shoes

Are they necessary? My son is only crawling but I noticed today at his settling in session at nursery some other crawlers had pre walker shoes on.


Bossy behavior

So my toddler recently became very bossy and is just very difficult when it come to get her to do something..! She doesnt listen at all even when i ask her multiple times she will ignore me and just throws tantrums ALOT OF TANTRUMS..! is this just a milestone? Something that happens when they turn 3 please someone l...



I keep telling my husband that our baby might be getting over stimulated and that it could be why she's so cranky all the time and not to furiously whistle and clap at her. But so far he hasn't listened. We had a babysitter come over yesterday to help me out so I could do some things around the house at the same tim...


Do your babies recognize you yet?

As in, can they tell the difference when you’re the ones holding them vs other people? Do they recognize your faces when they see you? I feel like my daughter can clearly see when I walk into a room or when I speak. She would start crying on whoever’s holding her until I pick her up.


He doesn’t care if we tell him no

Ok so maybe this is a part of having a one year old but he doesn’t listen. Like at all… he’s such a sweet baby and he’s usually pretty easy going but he laughs at us if we tell him no. I’m also a teacher and I have a pretty good “teacher voice” so it’s not like I’m not being firm. I just want him to get that we’re n...


Baby wont settle

Hie ladies. We are 6weeks going 7 on Saturday, for the past week baby has been crying around the same time from around 10pm to 12pm and nothing l do seems to settle him. ls it normal? What can l do? First time mum here feeling helpless🥹


Little girl knows whole alphabet

Not sure if this is normal but my little girl recognises the entire alphabet, she can sing it in order but also identify letters in no particular order. She knows most colours and numbers. I’m mind blown because it’s come out of nowhere. Does anyone else have a smarty pants? Or is this normal for the age range?


is this behavior normal?

my 3.5 year old shouts at his sister quite often. she gets really excited and squeals at him cos she’s just happy to be around him but he yells at her not to laugh at him etc. he’s pushed her off the bed before and tonight he (not mega hard) kicked her for squealing at him, she’s only 10 months old so i struggle to ...


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