Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Sleep.
How to stop giving milk at night please??? My daughter is wanting 2/3 bottles of milk a night all this week and her sleep has been AWFUL since Friday last week, I’ve been having 2 hour sleep intervals and I’m so tired, she does have a dummy but she shouts milk whilst the dummy is in her mouth I try to ignore her but...
My 8 month wakes several times throughout the night and I find It's because he's cold. He's usually sleeping on his belly with arms tucked underneath. It's starting to get really cold here so we keep our home temperature at 72°. I put a short sleeve onesie under his full sleeve body suit and then a sleeveless sle...
Does anybody have any recommendations for something that will help me sleep on a night, I’m 20 weeks and struggling. Being tired ontop of all the added pregnancy hormones just isn’t it 🥴
Last few months 3 year old has been waking a lot in the night keeps crying and crying for no reason and I’m losing patience being 36 weeks pregnant. She used to sleep so well and now she doesn’t. She’s also really sensitive about anything, like if she had a trip at nursery and it’s a little dot of cut she will cry a...
My little boy’s sleep routine is really bad, if he goes to bed at 7/8pm he is guaranteed to wake up during the night and is awake for hours even with the lights off.. Once he does fall asleep he won’t wake up until late morning or midday the next day unless I wake him earlier.. Any advice?
When will my 12 weeks old sleep. He is waking every 30 minuets to an hour all through the night and then taking half hour or so to get back to sleep. I am exhausted. He used to sleep for 2/3hours and wake for feeds but over the few weeks he has developed waking frequently and needing to be nursed or rocked back to s...
Been trying to get little boy down since 7pm.. it's now 1:30am!!! Every time I think he's asleep and put him down (in my bed as we co-sleep) he wakes up crying. Treats the five minute cat nap as a full nap and kickstarts another full wake window. WTF is he doing I'm so tired... 🥱
Or anytime before it was deemed safe to do so regarding their head control? Baby is 8wks and won't sleep unless on their front the past 2 days. Screams murder otherwise. Last night, I had about 2hrs sleep and that was only from 8-10AM even though I was in bed at 9pm previously. I can't do it again tonight. He sleeps...
My 9 month old wakes up multiple times a night crying, I'm not sure what we're doing wrong or missing he has one bottle a night around 3am if he wakes before that we give him water to drink why won't he stay asleep like he use too, I need my sleep back
Hi moms! My LO is 5 months and a half and lately she has been a little fussy ball even after being fed or after naps. She is also fighting nap time more now. I’m thinking she’s teething and she might be in pain? Could it be something else? It’s getting harder to entertain her during her wake periods 😭😄 just…
My baby is 3 months old. No matter how hard we try, she never sleeps between 8 pm to 1 am and wants to be constantly entertained. Sometimes she cries until I feed her again within an hour of feeding her which in turn makes her spit up and takes even longer for her to settle down. Any suggestions as to how I can get ...
Has anyone else’s baby ever sat up in their sleep? My little girls done it twice tonight and I find it so freaky 🤣 I fear I’m in it for the long run of lying her back down
Our 13 week old has suddenly started screaming when she is put down at bedtime, no matter how deep a sleep she appears to be in. She will not sleep in her crib. Please tell me we are not alone. We are so sleep deprived.
Hi mummys My little girl is 21 months and im just wonder around that age has anyome elts had attachment problems from there little ones My girl is constantly wanting to be held Shes having to sleep with me as she will not sleep in her cot and if shes in there shes trying to het out whenever i put her down to slee...
I feel like my little one is constantly asleep. She wakes for feeds and is filling nappies but she sleeps soooo much! Is this normal, am I blessed 🤣
My baby will happily sleep in someone’s arms but the minute she’s put down she cries- she’s only 7 weeks old. Has anyone else had same issue- and how did you resolve ??
Does your little one wear mittens/cover their hands when sleeping at night? When can a baby sleep with their hands out?
Has anyone else’s little one said their knee hurts? My little one started it few months ago. It’s not every day, normally for a few days in a row. Only in late afternoon / evening before bed. More when tired. I am going to start recording times and when it happens, and film her acting uncomfortable about it. She tri...
My baby at night while asleep start crying sooooo loud for 30 sec or minute need dummy then sleep I literally can’t sleep at alllllllll coz of this and idk why is this am so exhausted
Does anyone rock their toddler to sleep? My son is 16 months old and I’m not sure if he’s going through a regression but I have to rock him to sleep! Now that he’s a toddler he’s much heavier I feel like my arm is going to fall off! Any tips?