Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Sleep.
My 9 month old wakes up multiple times a night crying, I'm not sure what we're doing wrong or missing he has one bottle a night around 3am if he wakes before that we give him water to drink why won't he stay asleep like he use too, I need my sleep back
We are on week 3 of the regression and I’d like to know how long it lasted for everyone else. I’m hoping it ends soon because I’m so tired
Hi moms! My LO is 5 months and a half and lately she has been a little fussy ball even after being fed or after naps. She is also fighting nap time more now. I’m thinking she’s teething and she might be in pain? Could it be something else? It’s getting harder to entertain her during her wake periods 😭😄 just…
Does anyone else have trouble with their LO's sleep at their grandparents house? My girl sleeps over at my parents house 3 nights a week as I work an early morning shift, my mum has said that she seems to wake lots (up to 4-6 times a night) for a bottle but she doesn't do this at home (wakes maybe once a night).. is...
My baby is 3 months old. No matter how hard we try, she never sleeps between 8 pm to 1 am and wants to be constantly entertained. Sometimes she cries until I feed her again within an hour of feeding her which in turn makes her spit up and takes even longer for her to settle down. Any suggestions as to how I can get ...
Has anyone else’s baby ever sat up in their sleep? My little girls done it twice tonight and I find it so freaky 🤣 I fear I’m in it for the long run of lying her back down
Our 13 week old has suddenly started screaming when she is put down at bedtime, no matter how deep a sleep she appears to be in. She will not sleep in her crib. Please tell me we are not alone. We are so sleep deprived.
Hi mummys My little girl is 21 months and im just wonder around that age has anyome elts had attachment problems from there little ones My girl is constantly wanting to be held Shes having to sleep with me as she will not sleep in her cot and if shes in there shes trying to het out whenever i put her down to slee...
I feel like my little one is constantly asleep. She wakes for feeds and is filling nappies but she sleeps soooo much! Is this normal, am I blessed 🤣
My baby will happily sleep in someone’s arms but the minute she’s put down she cries- she’s only 7 weeks old. Has anyone else had same issue- and how did you resolve ??
Does your little one wear mittens/cover their hands when sleeping at night? When can a baby sleep with their hands out?
Has anyone else’s little one said their knee hurts? My little one started it few months ago. It’s not every day, normally for a few days in a row. Only in late afternoon / evening before bed. More when tired. I am going to start recording times and when it happens, and film her acting uncomfortable about it. She tri...
My baby at night while asleep start crying sooooo loud for 30 sec or minute need dummy then sleep I literally can’t sleep at alllllllll coz of this and idk why is this am so exhausted
Does anyone rock their toddler to sleep? My son is 16 months old and I’m not sure if he’s going through a regression but I have to rock him to sleep! Now that he’s a toddler he’s much heavier I feel like my arm is going to fall off! Any tips?
7 months old and baby has started to roll and sleep on his tummy in the night. I’m not okay with it and I keep turning him back over like 5 times in the night. He can’t yet roll from tummy to back Thoughts??
Wondering if anyone else is going through this.
Been trying to put my baby down since 7pm. Every time I put her in her crib she just screams to the point she can’t catch her breath. I am on night 4 of this and really struggling. Falls asleep independently for her naps, wake windows are all okay but bed time is just awful. What am I doing wrong?
Hi ladies, Has anyone got any tips on moving little one into their cot in their own room. Our LG is fast outgrowing her next2me crib and our room is not big enough to fit her cot in. LO still wakes 2/3 times a night for a feed as they are ebf so I’m getting a chair in there to feed in the night! We have an establi...
My girl doesn’t go preschool or nursery yet. Normally she still has nap but sleep time can b tricky, I think she’s somewhere in between trying to stop nap but that also means I’m hving to change her new routine now. Could you please share me your routine whose toddlers don’t nap, or even if they nap ? Please. Not su...
I have a 13 month old who hasn’t slept well since 8/9 months old. She cannot self settle at all, wakes up continuously throughout the night, will only be rocked to sleep and I’ve gotten to the point now where I end up putting her in bed with me, I know the latter two problems have made a rod for my own back. I put...