Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Sleep.
My baby is nearly 5months and she has now learnt that she can roll on her side and front now. She can’t roll back onto back yet. The past couple of nights she has just rolled on her side in her sleep but hasn’t woke up, I have woke up and check the camera and she on her side but all I can see is the back of her. D...
my baby is 4 week old and wakes every 2-3 hours. Just wondering how long other babies of similar age are going in the night. 💚💛
For those of you who have moved bub into own room, did you do a transition? Or did you just put them in there without a transition? Tia x
Anyone's LO congested and finding it hard to get any sleep? My baby girl has been congested the last week which has resulted in her mainly only being able to sleep while contact napping on our chests. When she's on her back she makes a lot of grunting/choking like sounds (we use an Owlet and her oxygen levels are al...
My girls not long turned 5 months and she’s just learnt to roll back to front, but can’t roll front to back yet and I keep finding her at night time practising her rolling🤣 but she can’t get back, luckily she sleeps in her cot with a side taken down next to our bed so I can hear every movement and turn her right…
Anyone got any advice for changing nappies? My little boy scream bloody murder every time and get himself in such a state. So I normally try and time it in line with a feed so I can feed him afterwards which calms him down. Should I be doing it after a feed instead? Or when he’s in deep sleep in between feeds? Or is...
My LO is 10 months old, because I have my own place, my LO has always slept in a very quiet environment (white noise or some kind of lullaby is always on in the background) and I’ve always kept it that way as I was worried of waking the baby up. But, now have to come to realise that, that’s probably not the best app...
My son is 3 and currently got a uti and is on antibiotics. He has had a runny nose in the day but he doesn’t sound blocked up in the day. But as soon as he sleeps he sounds like this. And keeps waking himself up. Has anyone experienced this before? Thanks
When are you feeding baby through the night? My LO feeds every 3 hours through the day, so through the night I’ve been setting my alarm to get up and make her bottle, so she’s ready for a feed every 3 hours. But should I just be waiting for her to wake me up? I’m so worried I won’t wake up if she’s crying, or I wo...
How many naps does you 14 month old have? Curious mama who’s baby is currently switching between 1 and 2 a day 🖤
Any other toddler transitioned to no nap recently? If so how is the schedule on a day to day basis? How long are your toddlers sleeping over night?
So my mil has pointed out my lo has a slight flattening of the side they lay on to feed. LO is 12 weeks old. He usually falls asleep as he feeds. I do all the tummy time etc and keep him off it in his awake windows. But it's still flatish. Anyone else had the same issue?
I see loads of people saying their babies sleep through the night! Like how… mine LG has never done that I’m EFB, she was going feeding twice in the night and could sleep for 5/6hrs at a time Now I’m not sure if she’s going through sleep regression because she’s up every 2 hrs for the last 3 weeks now. (5 wakes ...
Anyone else’s lo still getting a bottle before bed? My lo takes 1.5 -3 hours to put down at night & I feel if we took the bottle away it would be even a bigger disaster lol
Does anyone else's child wake up crying their eyes out about 1 hour after falling asleep at night??? And I mean he stirs and changes position like they do when they shift between sleep cycles, then starts absolutely wailing as if he's completely distraught about something. Sometimes I'm not even sure if he fully wak...
Anyone else's babe cry for long periods at night? Around the same time my baby cries about 7pm every night without fail. I've tried everything and although she does have gut issues, in my heart I don't think that's what is upsetting her. She's absolutely fine all day until bed time then cries for a few hours until s...
Anyone else's baby have a false start every single night? My little boy has at least one and sometimes 3 false starts over 2 hours before he finally goes down for the night. We've tried changing bedtime and wake windows both ways and it hasn't helped
What is the big deal with sleep training?? I see posts about mums being desperate but refuse to do sleep training. This is by no means a dig im just thinking I’ve missed something.
How and when did everyone transition baby from arms in to arms out when swaddling at night time? Thanks!
Is it killing anyone else?! My boy is now waking at 4/5am every morning & currently wide awake when normal bedtime is usually 7pm. We had cracked his sleep for about a month of sleeping through… now this! I need to know it ends!