Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.
My baby is a month old today and I have been pumping since he was born. I finally got my supply steady when he was 3 weeks old but a few days later I had to go to the hospital for my gallbladder so pumping was not happening because of some of the medicine and getting and when I got home I was so exhausted so my supp...
My LO is 12 weeks old and it currently feels like all I'm doing is feeding her. She's EBF and just had her vaccinations this week. Since then she's struggled to sleep and nap, struggling with pooping and gas and just wants to constantly be at the boob, wether it's feeding or just for comfort. Is this normal? It's be...
So I know it’s not possible to “overfeed” your baby but have any of you actually tried to? And were you successful in doing it? According to google my baby is in the 0 percentile for height and weight. 💀. For reference she’s gained almost 4 pounds since birth and she’s 10 weeks now. She was born small at full…
I had a premature baby who had to have formula at the beggining. I also expressed from the beggining. It was really important to the doctors to know how much we were giving him so I kept expressing/using formula. When he came out of hospital and i started trying to breastfeed we soon found that he was tongue tied. U...
Does anyone have any foods they eat whilst breastfeeding for energy? I feel completely empty today with 0 energy! Or any tips to not feel as dead 😂
I started harvesting colostrum at the beginning of the month and it appears I am quite the cow. I’ve got a LOT of syringes, which is great - planning to bring some to the hospital and leave some for emergencies in the next 6 months, etc. My question is - I think I can stop harvesting now in regard to having enough...
Are there any breastfeeding mums whose baby sleeps through or atleast does a few hours at a time? I need some hope as starting to feel like I’m the problem 😭 for reference my baby did sleep through until 14 weeks
Has anyone tried the my brest friend nursing pillow? I need to buy a nursing pillow but overwhelmed by the options, I just know that I want a cotton cover.
My LG is refusing her milk, she will eat solids happily today but is refusing all milk. Any advice?
I am on day 3 of not giving the boob, however at bedtime only I give her the boob because she’s not been taking the bottle at all , not taking formula tired many brands stuck to aptamal now. She won’t eat solids much much due to teething, still I keep trying old food and new food and BLW. I feel so gluity and wa...
Hi, can anyone recommend any good dribble bibs. Most of them seem to have a wide neck or soak through.
Oh my god, I don't know how much more of this I can take! Since my 7mth old started getting teeth he's always given me the odd bite. But recently he's teething again and is really chomping down with his 2 bottom teeth! I take booby away and say No that hurts mummy. He has teething toys and paracetemol when it's bad....
Anyone else not seeing any Colostrum? I’m 38 weeks and dry, trying to massage but it doesn’t seem to be doing anything.
My son is currently 15months and I still breastfeed. When did you stop breastfeeding?
Random one, but how do you get rid of the air bubbles in the syringes? It’s driving me insane because I can’t actually see how much I’ve collected!
Can anyone recommend a company that makes jewellery out of breastmilk? With so many company’s offering this when I google it, I’d rather go with a company that someone has used before and recommends :)
Hello! Baby is nearly a year and whenever I offer to feed during the day she is not interested, she thinks it’s a game to bite my nipple and then look at me and laugh at my reaction. She only really has milk during the nights now. I feel guilty because when she hurts me, I stop the feed (I say feed, no milk is actua...
I’m curious to know if I can take ibuprofen while breastfeeding. I think I have mastitis and it’s sooo painful😭 Paracetamol sometimes doesn’t work for me so want to know if ibuprofen is safe when BF. Also, to anyone who has had mastitis before, can hand expressing help? As it’s soo painful to feed on that side!…
Gave birth to my baby boy yesterday (18th Jan) and we started to practice latching but it was discovered his blood sugars were dangerously low so was given glucose gel and he guzzled 45ml of formula. Subsequent checks were the same so had a further 30ml formula, glucose and 1.5ml colostrum via syringe. He's now in N...
I am using Aeroflow to get a free breast pump, which one do you recommend I am currently looking at the momcozy M5, S12, M9