Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
I exclusively breastfeed my son no pumping or any Is it a good or bad sign that every time my son latches on I get a milk let down ?
I keep reading posts about babies going to sleep at night at 7 or 8pm. My 5 week old is wide awake from about 7pm until 2am every night. I try everything (feeding, rocking, shhh, white noise), but he’s just not tired. I feel like I’m doing something wrong as everyone from my NCT class said their babies sleep in 3 ho...
Hey girls, when did everyone have sex after giving birth ? I’m currently 2weeks pp and all I want to do is be intimate with my partner (maybe it’s because my sex drive while pregnant had completely gone and we only had sex a handful of times while I was pregnant ) but the last week it’s all we’ve talked about 🤣 I…
Anyone else awake cluster feeding/just not sleeping with their newborn? This stuff is hard!
Any bipolar mamas that dealt with PPD or PPA? Im 3 weeks pp and ive been showing signs of both. Im going to see my psych this week and not sure what to tell her. Have had a lot of bad experiences just trusting that dr knows best so wanted to know if there were any meds that worked well or diddnt work for you? I know...
For you moms who didn’t sleep train what does sleep look like for you or how did it look as baby got a little older? Nothing against those who sleep trained, but wanting to hear from those who didn’t
Hey I have a 5 month old son who hasn’t started weaning yet but is teething. We’re currently using ashton and parsons teething gel as well as calpol when needed. Can I make frozen milk pops for him yet too or not? I’d be using formula to make these assuming that formula will freeze? And can be have these even if he ...
Anyone else expecting their second and still breast feeding their first? Little girl is 13 months old and LOVES the boob at night to sleep but I feel like she’s feeding more since I found out I was expecting and I’m nervous for how the amped up feeding will affect the pregnancy. Anyone else in the same boat? I’m cur...
For any of you big breasted plus size ladies out there! I am struggling to find bras that aren’t absolutely overpriced and are good bras. Last time I was measured I was 40H and I am definitely bigger now especially being pregnant. The bras I ended up getting were uncomfortable from the get go too so have struggle...
Do you still rock your baby to sleep ? Mine is getting pretty long and it’s uncomfortable to donut in the rocking chair I have . If you stopped , how did you do it ?
Does your 2yr old recognize alphabets? If yes, how many? My little girl is 25 months old and I was curious to know if it is too early for her to start recognizing.
After some advice if anyone else’s 3 year old still has a dummy. My daughter still uses them, mostly for sleep and sometimes if she’s a bit emotional. She’s now only got 1 left as she keeps biting holes in them. She gladly puts them in the bin. The trouble is we’re due our 2nd baby next month and as this is going t...
Anyone’s 4 month old naps getting better? Mine would nap 30-40 minutes and now we’re getting 1hr at least now… don’t wanna jinx it but I’m hoping he’s starting to connect sleep cycles now
I have a 19 month old and now a 1 week old baby, I'm wondering how do I do bedtime routine for both of them? My toddler usually takes a long bath around 6:20pm than bedtime but it takes him a while to fall asleep, sometimes he just fall asleep at 8pm 😰 Usually my husband is here to help so he is doing his bedtime,…
Hi mamas! First time mom here, and I’m struggling hard with my Lo and sleep. He’s 5 months old, and unfortunately my husband and I created a bad habit of having him sleep on us for naps, bed time, etc, and he’s now associated sleep with being held 😔 my husband is going back to work next month as he’s been off…
My friend is dealing with this issue and I've given her adequate advice on what to do but I just want to show her what other mothers also think. Backstory : She's already told the man to not kiss her kids on the lips, but this past weekend when picking up her son she was pumping gas and witnessed the boyfriend kiss...
My son is almost 22 months. He’s potty trained ( while awake). Been trying to potty train him during naps, but no luck for 7d now. We stopped fluids 30-60 mins before nap, asked him to pee before napping and told him “ no diaper, pee in the potty”. Any advice?
One of my boobs are slightly tender and achey, breastfeeding is established so not where it’s too full, it’s not excruciating and I’m not overly concerned but just wondered if this is signs of a blocked duct ? I squeeze with my hand and milk is still coming out, although not as much as my other breast, but this one ...
For those of you who pump, how much does your baby eat? I pretty much exclusively breast-feed, but when I leave pumped milk in a bottle for baby, I am not sure really how much to leave when I'm out.
I have seen a peaditrician and got my baby allergy tested and only same back positive for allergic to cows milk, (feel like she’s allergic to more things). Basically the doctor said I have to consume a lot of dairy for it to even reach my baby, he didn’t advice me to stop what I’m eating and also said there’s no cor...