Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.

Sleep regression

What am I doing so wrong? My baby is almost 7 months and has been awake every 1-2 hours since she hit the 4 month regression, I’m so exhausted!!!!


Co-sleep or move to own room?

My almost 6 month old has slept in our room in a bassinet. He has strong neck control and ran roll both ways. My husband has been bringing his bassinet mattress into our bed (it’s a lot firmer than our bed) and letting him sleep with us the last couple of nights. I’m worried that if we start letting him sleep with u...


Need some advice

Hello my little one is 2 years 3 months for the past week she been refusing to sleep 😴 she cries and screams everytime we put her to bed. She ends up falling asleep but will then wake up during the night screaming and crying. Could she be going through sleep regression. She been like it now for a week.


Traveling tips for milk storage

Hey everyone! I was wondering how is it possible to store your pumped milk while traveling? For example a 2 hr drive? How do you keep it warm or cold ? Where do you store it? Thanks in advance



Im a first time mom, I have no experience with babies. I’m having a really hard time. I’m feeling so depressed. I’ve noticed lots of negative feelings when she latches on like cringey, depressed, hopeless. My girl doesn’t not like to be on her back. She hasn’t slept in the bassinet since the first night she was born...


15 week old sleep

We had gotten my LO into a routine by which she was sleeping from 20:00-02:30/03:00 and then having 1 feed and sleeping until 05:30/06:00. Since 12 weeks she has started waking every 1.5 hours post 23:00 and she goes to bed around 19:00-19:30. I am at an absolute loss. She is now 15 weeks and I cannot cope with the ...



I'm a mommy in my 30s. I was shy all my life until I became a mother. It was then and now that I had to step up and be my children's voice and advocate. I spent most of my life being quiet and observent. I feel like if I do open up, I ask alot of questions to get to know someone better. I'm a good listener and grea...


Would you use it?

I made a bottle, baby ended up not needing it. I left it and slept off by accident without putting it in the fridge. I left it out for 3 hours. Would me now putting it in the fridge still possibly allow me to use it later on.?



I have a 3 month old (adjusted age 2 months) who still haven’t seemed to have gotten the hang of day and night. He’ll sleep for a chunk of the day and be impossible to keep awake no matter what, I have tried everything at this point and will struggle sleeping during the night. The last couple of nights I’ve had to l...


3am energetic nights!

Typing this at 3am 😖😖 My 5month old for some reason wakes up around 3am and has so much energy and wants to play. It’s impossible to get him down. Is anyone else gone through this and know what I can do? I feed him, but he’s so energetic popping on and off the boob and not interested in his formula either…


Is soft play possible to go alone with a 2 month old and 15 month old.

I am a single mum w no friends. Social anxiety stopping me from doing anything with my oldest. I want to start taking her fun places like soft play and maybe some other bits. is it possible to be able to take her soft play as I need to sit with my lo ? are there activities recommended around Essex /london that are e...


Night waking

Our daughter will be turning one this coming week and in the last month or so (since going down to one nap a day) we have a 50% chance she will wake up in the night. When she does it’s a good hour before she goes back to sleep and we can put her down without her waking. I’ve tried to put her back to two naps but s...


To swaddle or not to swaddle

Opinions … my daughter will be 3 months March 6th - she loveeess to be swaddled when she sleeps. Have any of you stopped swaddling - what are the pro’s/con’s of stopping or continuing swaddling??? TIA!! 👶🏼 😴


Please can someone help me😭

My little one won't sleep longer then 2 hours at night before waking up and I don't know what to do. Me and my husband are both really struggling as this has now been happen for about 3 weeks with no improvement whatsoever. He is 8 months. No teeth but we give him meds as and when needed. 2 naps a day Last wake w...



Has anyone started their baby on purées yet?


Temper tantrums - My daughter is 2 1/2

I’ve asked this question before but I’m a first time mom and idk if I’m doing something wrong… my daughter has terrible tantrums, every two seconds, is this normal and how do you deal with them? And she keeps saying she wants things. I keep explaining over and over to say “can I have” but she still says I want. Is t...


Blood clots and breastfeeding?

Waiting for more information but I’m just wondering if there’s anyone who had had blood clots (DVT) post partum while breastfeeding. How did you end up being treated? I’ve been told multiple things at the moment and just wanted a rough idea while waiting…


Overnight diapers

Any recommendations for overnight diapers? My 7 months old keeps waking up wet in the middle of the night because the pee seeps through. I tried the millie moon and the target brand overnight diapers and they didnt work. He rolls around a lot at night so he needs good absorbent diapers. TYI!


Bath seat recommendations

My 8 month old weights 11.360KG. We had the aquascale bath but then she outgrew that. Then we got the Angelcare seat but the maximum weight on that is 11KG. I need bath seats recommendations like the Angelcare one so her can play in the bath please 🥰


Breastfeeding / increase milk supply

Hi mamas Sooo, 3 weeks old babygirl finally decided to latch on the breast. Yayyy… Until now she has taken bottles (breastmilk & formula). I was having a very stressful situation, and the milk started to decrease. But I still have some. Any suggestions how to increase milk supply please (if it’s not too late. First ...


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