Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.
I had an eyelash patch test done and as I wasn’t completely sat up right, saw stars afterwards which puts me off having my lashes done! Anyone had a similar experience after laying down for a beauty treatment? I don’t see stars now, was just when I opened my eyes
I’m 10 weeks PP and we’ve started having sex with my husband although it’s not painful it’s so uncomfortable and I can’t enjoy it sadly. Will it eventually get better?
What are y’all doing to help with postpartum hair loss bc ya girl is literally losing clumps of hair 😭
has anyone else seemed to have lost feelings for their partner? this started pretty much as soon as i got pregnant and has only gotten worse (i am now 33 weeks) i don’t ever want to see him anymore, i hate when he tries to touch or hug me. it feels like i have gotten the ick and completely lost feelings. i’m really ...
After giving birth I noticed that I sweat more and my body odor changed ( under my arms). Is this normal?🤦🏽♀️
So I didn’t realize that I had PPA with my first child until I had my second. They are 20 months apart. And things are just so much easier and I’m like calm now. I really had no idea. But now I look back at the first year with my oldest and I’m just so sad for us both. I made everything soooo much harder. I was kind...
Hi moms . I just had my second baby and everything was going normal but then I stopped bleeding 1 week postpartum . I still have brown discharge but so very little almost non at all and period like cramping . Is this normal ?
I don’t get out of the house. I have an almost two year old. And a two month old. And we are home 99.9% of the time. Unless we go grab groceries which is usually just a pick up. And occasionally when their dad is home, we go to the park for an hour or so. But mostly we just sit at home. In this damn living room. We ...
Anyone noticing hair loss? It’s excessive 🥹 any idea when will it start to get better
So I’m nearly 11 weeks pp, bottle feeding and haven’t come on my period yet. I am so bloody emotional, I’m getting really ratty with my mum and I don’t mean to be and I just cried and cried and cried this morning 🙈 I haven’t cried since the 2nd day of having my daughter now I feel like I could cry all day
Postpartum hair loss has got the better of me and I've surrendered. Have been bleach blonde for 16years but with the hair loss I just can't afford the bleach all the new baby hair growth that's coming back and cause further damage. I've decided it's time to go back dark I'm going to cry for weeks but if my hair gro...
Hi girls. This is making me so sad and I'm just wondering if anyone has experienced this or has any advice! My little girl has just randomly started saying really negative things like: I'm a liar I'm selfish I'm bossy I'm a naughty girl We absolutely do not use those kinds of words around her and we reassure h...
Just wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience and if so when did it get better? 😩 I'm 6 months pp with my second baby, had a nexplanon implant fitted 5 months ago and I'm still exclusively bf so I know hormones likely have a big part to play in this... I'm really struggling to reach orgasm both from…
I honestly feel like I’m in an abusive relationship with a 12 year old. I don’t understand why she keeps doing it. She said she is joking. So she will stare and glare, make sure I see. Sometimes I call her out, others times not as that’s what she wants. She smile and laugh and be like what I wasn’t. And she repeate...
How soon after stopping cyclogest did you go into labor? I’m currently 33 weeks. Stopped at 32 and have a pessary fitted due for removal 36 wks. Feel like my BH has increased
I’m having a lot of anxiety thinking about having a second child since my first is on the spectrum and I just had such a hard time seeing them struggle with milestones and especially with the lack of interest in me and being aware of regular things in general. I feel like no one talks about this but being a first ti...
I hate that I feel this way. I’m pregnant with my 2nd child (baby boy) and have a 4 year old lil girl. I’m diabetic and have been lied to, they’ve been trying to scare me about all the risks of having a natural labor. And unfortunately I fell for it. I worry so much and today I went in for my 37 week check up and th...
I’m 26 weeks and I find it impossible to bond with baby. I have videos of kicks and tracked my bump along the way because I know I will want to look back on these moments. But is anyone else struggling with bonding? I thought it just came naturally. I’m struggling a lot with depression and stress, could this be pl...
Hey, so I’m looking for some advice or for anyone who’s experienced something similar to me. So a bit of backstory: I’m a sahm with my almost 3 year old son in the UK. I was diagnosed at a young age with anxiety and depression and more recently with ADHD. My son’s birth (2022) was pretty traumatic (I almost died ki...
I love her, I dreamed about her all my life, she gave me purpose in life, but your behaviour really challenging. I went to group often with her, saw so many children, and no one behaved like her. She is shout, screams, cries and without a reason. her father loves her a lot and very good with her, is understandable b...