Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.
15 month old has started crying her eyes out when she is dropped at nursery. She never did this before but has began getting super upset at drop off. Help super guilty mum here.
Hi mommas, I’m currently almost a month post-partum and my partner is already complaining that I I’m ignoring him in the bedroom(intimacy) and focusing on the baby more. I really am not trying to ignore him. I’m a first time mum, a mum to rainbow baby, i am still trying to figure out the ropes. My question is how lo...
Like the title says, I went from having friends for the first time ever in my adult life who invited me out to do stuff and even had someone I considered a best friend who called me her sister but then in June when I went on maternity leave and came back in September everything changed. My friends stopped reaching o...
Mommies… How was the first time post partum having intercourse? Did you wait after 6 weeks or longer? Did your body properly heal before you desired to have intercourse again? When did your low labido begin to change? Did your menstrual cycle increase hormone levels to make you feel more hornier or less inclined? D...
I’m 8 months PP and i’m still struggling bad. I had health anxiety before I was pregnant, but its just a whole new level now. I worry about every little thing my baby does. I spend hours googling about things, convincing myself theres something wrong. I have no village, which isn’t helping. I’m so lonely that my tho...
Hi, I’ve just been told that they would offer me pitocin to help contract once baby is born and will also be given another injection to make the placenta come out. Anyone else had this experience? I have a few fibroids but not in the way of allowing me have a vaginal birth but the thoughts of having to contract ev...
My daughter always wants to be held. I can’t put her down for even a minute to get things done because she starts crying immediately. Since I’m alone, it’s really tough—there’s no one to take her for even a moment so I can catch my breath. I try to be very patient, but it’s exhausting and overwhelming. I can’t even ...
So i know this is a semi controversial concept but i told my sister i might (emphasis on might) want her in the room with my partner and now im not sure i want her there at all either people seem to be way too involved or they want nothing to do with you i honestly only want my partner with me but dont know how to t...
Hi! Im a FTM to a toddler and I'd never felt so anxious in my whole life. Even with the simplest and most little things like going out with my toddler makes me feel so anxious. Not sure if this is a normal feeling when you became a mom.
When does the hormones regulate because since pregnancy I’ve been crashing out at everyone and I’ve lost family, friends because nobody understands what I’m feeling or going through with PPD. I’m so lonely and nobody wants to be around me.
Has anyone else’s hair texture change after having babies? Mine used to be pin straight now it has a pretty defined wave
It’s not me but my partner lost interest. Do men lose interest after becoming fathers ? In comments.
Did you/are you getting your baby boy circumcised? Why/why not in the comments :-)
Hello, my little guy is 2 weeks old and while my bouts of sadness have greatly improved I still feel off. I can’t tell if I should bring it up to my doctor as possible ppd. I feel bonded to my baby, but I also struggle a lot. I miss predictability and want to adjust to this new life as well as my baby deserves. If b...
I go back to work next week and I cannot stop crying. I am so upset my maternity leave is over, I don’t know how to handle it. Doesn’t help I am due for my period and my hormones are HIGH. I don’t know how to get through this.
Anyone’s baby still losing hair? My LG was born with quite a bit of hair and it all eventually fell out in stages. I thought we were done and this would be her hair now but the front sides have now started to thin out again 🤦♀️
Hi, my baby is almost 4 months old and has started sitting for short periods then falls. I usually have my hands ready to catch her, but this time she fell backwards and hit the back of her head on the floor. She was on her playmat, which was also on top of another bigger floor mat which is squishy but not that th...
I had an eyelash patch test done and as I wasn’t completely sat up right, saw stars afterwards which puts me off having my lashes done! Anyone had a similar experience after laying down for a beauty treatment? I don’t see stars now, was just when I opened my eyes
I’m 10 weeks PP and we’ve started having sex with my husband although it’s not painful it’s so uncomfortable and I can’t enjoy it sadly. Will it eventually get better?
What are y’all doing to help with postpartum hair loss bc ya girl is literally losing clumps of hair 😭