Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

Feeling horrible rn😩

My baby feel off my bed she’s 4 months old we were both sleeping but she likes to move around to much and I didn’t hear her fall but I heard her cry loud. Stopped crying when I picked her up now she acting normal idk if I should call her doctor but I can’t stop crying bc I feel like a bad mother



Anyone else struggling with their hormones in 3rd trimester? Ever since I hit 28 weeks which is over a week ago now I’ve been so down, can’t stop crying and when being asked why the answer is always “I don’t know” is this a sign of antenatal depression? Just wondering if anyone else is going through similar feelings.


Antidepressants for anger?

Can you get medication for anger issues? Long story short I’m 22 weeks pregnant and I know hormones can play a massive part in anger issues but I was angry before I was pregnant. I can go from 0-100 in seconds and say the most hurtful things to my husband. Even though I say to him I won’t say them again, I do when I...


Guilty..about self care

I need someone to talk to, as I feel guilty now, but this morning I was feeling really self neglected, I have been trying to do things which can help me get a bit better and be more focused on myself too get better, I have been fighting postpartum depression and anxiety for some time now, I know 4 month isn’t that l...


Hair Growth 12 months old.

Hello! My little girl just turned 1 and her hair growth has been on my mind a lot lately. I know all babies are different but I feel like her hair just isn’t growing up the top / front ? The back is growing- still not a lot but growing. Just the top / front. So many babies younger I see have heaps of hair. Should ...


Implant removal

Hi guys… I get my implant removed next week and I’m so nervous… I know how it’s gonna get removed and I know what to expect during the removal and I know that my body will go back to normal as soon as it’s taken out but I’m really nervous. I don’t like needles or cuts or stuff like that… my mum will be coming with m...


child's behavior help!!!!!

need some help/opinions so my little girl who's 7 is becoming out of control in school to the point she's lashing out throwing stuff etc and fbis has been going on since she started year 2 and she won't stop she's not like that at home and physically and mentally i can't take it anymore it's draining me and it's mak...


2nd or 3rd time mums...

I am struggling with the guilt that I just don't seem to love my baby like I did/do my first born. Will this get better in time? Everyone says your heart grows but I just don't want it to be obvious I have a favourite of this feeling doesn't go away. Is this normal?


Do I do more?

Im feeling really guilty about annoucements/baby gender reveals and baby showers. This will be our first child, and only child as we had to get help to conceive, and it's been a long journey of multiple losses and awful heartbreaks over and over... I'm not exactly excited and still not really embracing it's final...


New mom

Does everyone else go through pregnancy depression


How do I pray for my child?

I have a daughter, age 4. I’m religious but her father isn’t fully there yet. He wasn’t raised in the Word like I was and he tends to do things like curse, be verbally homophobic, or call ppl “demons” when playing video games. I’m in the process of leaving him because his parenting style doesn’t promote positivity a...


Postpartum hair loss

Have you been having hair loss? Does everyone get it or majority? Also is there anything you have used for the hair like any supplements?


Bout to go bald

So I attended a baby shower about two weeks ago, for me to attend this shower, I had to stay the night at my mil house due to us not having a vehicle (it’s in the shop) but anyway my younger sister in law had to stay here with my husband and the kids due to my older sister in law not wanting kids at her big day 🙄…


I’m such a bitch when I’m due on my period!!!

Can anyone relate. I become so angry and hateful and tearful when I’m due on like it’s so bad, it feels like my real emotions that I feel when I’m not due on but it’s like x100. When I’m due on I feel like I’m too soft when I’m not due on and these are my true emotions which I hide 🤦🏽‍♀️ I’ve been like this since a…



My baby’s circumcision is tomorrow. What was your experience with it (before, during and after)? Were you present?


One and done? Anyone else?

Anyone else just having one child and that’s it? My LO is now 3 and I feel like I’m only now starting to feel a tiny bit like myself. I just feel like to have another child will mentally put me back in the trenches. My first pregnancy I had severe anxiety and post partum I was not looking after myself health wise ...


I feel broken

I stuck with my ex for three almost four years I allow this man to tear me down every chance he got until he broke me down so small its like I don't exist


Sex life

Anyone else’s sex life massively improved since having a baby? I’m 4 months pp and we’re having sex like when we first got together! Feeling so connected


Anyone still struggling with postpartum Depression?

Just wanting to feel a little less alone in this. (Also I really don't want to take medicine.)


Still struggling after 2 years

My daughter was born unexpectedly at 23 weeks, 2 years ago. She is honestly doing amazing, the doctors say she is a miracle and we should just treat her as a “normal” girl, since she has no “issues” from being born so early. It is incredible, and I can’t be more thankful. But why am I still struggling? She is my fir...


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