Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.
Has anyone used these to help with shedding? It's driving me crazy and my partner HATES it as well and wants my dogs outside 😔 I have a husky mix and Shepard mix so it's BAD I was thinking of maybe getting these for when they are inside. Anyone have experience with them and what do you do to keep hair off your baby 😭
Hi, I'm 10 weeks pp. Had an episiotomy along with a 2nd degree tear. I'm a ftm and it was quite a traumatic birth. Just wondering if anyone else had this? How are you healing? I'm still feeling sore/numb where the scar is and just wanted to know if this was normal.
No one really talks about how painful the let down is…is it normal? Like I have to pause a minute because of the pain. Anyone else?
Please tell me I'm not the only mummy going through this. The past month, I've been losing my hair by the chunks. Every time I wash it, it comes away chunks, and I'm so worried I will end up with bald patches. My little girl is nearly 4 months old, and I don't remember losing this much hair with my 1st born nearly ...
I’ve been diagnosed with depression after i gave birth but i predict this has been going on way before i gave birth and at the moment im on universal credit and the thing is im finding it difficult to do anything on a day to day basis like dont get me wrong i make sure my sons looked after as he’s my main priority b...
My LG was burned by water the other week & I just feel so terrible that she'll have to grow up/live with such a visible scar down her chest 🥹I need some reassurance that it'll get better.
Anyone else have a bd who has an annoying delusional girlfriend?!?! My baby is 7 months and I’ve completely removed myself from the entire situation since BEFORE he was born like nothing at all to do w my bd and I never ever cared about the girl.. but this girlfriend of his just FORCES herself into my life. She clai...
Hello, my episiotomy broke down 5 days post partum. I am now 2.5 weeks post partum and am still too scared to look. Depending on the midwife I get different reactions. Some say it’s all neat and should come together nicely, some say I’ll need it refashioned. Anyone else had this? How did it heal? Did it all look ok?
Ok, so I’m going into hospital on Monday to have my ovarian cyst removed. Absolutely crapping myself 😩 it feels weird cos really it doesn’t bother me (don’t even know it’s there) but they said if it’s over 7cm they will remove it as there is more chance of it bursting, which sounds awful. Has anyone had this done…
I'm feeling rather defeated after today. If that's the right emotion for it. I was heading out for a baby walking group as it helps me get out and about, reminds me to take the dog out and allows me to meet new people. I got half way there (walking to the meeting site) to them have it cancelled because and I quote '...
How many times a day do your LOs cry? My LO has always cried a lot, we started with colic and while she doesn't cry inconsolably for hours any more it's still multiple times a day. She cries if I leave the room, if I wear her but stand too still, when she goes in the car seat, when I put her in the play pen, before ...
Been dealing with untreated depression for many years and it’s only gotten worse now with 2 babies under 2 and major marital issues on the verge of divorce… I’m completely alone with these babies all day everyday and can barely get out of bed. I hate feeling like I’m not doing nearly enough for them. I need somethin...
Hello, I am a second time mom and this time around my post natal depression is making me feel very useless, anxiety and doubting myself if I will ever plan all roles properly , will I have my life back to normal ? Also my husband and his family doesn’t understand what I am going through , they say it’s in my head . ...
Hello, looking for some advice really. I think I may have delayed postnatal depression. I have a 2.5 yr old and my nearly 9 month old. It started just before Christmas and it’s come out of nowhere - insomnia, crippling anxiety, absolutely terrified to go out, don’t want to see friends, struggling to find enjoyment i...
I don’t know the exact reason why but i keep feeling like I’m being hit with strong waves of anxiety. I have to stop everything i am doing to calm down. Iv always been an anxious person even before having kids. Any tips or advice please?
At 5 weeks postpartum I went to my doctor with concerns of postpartum anxiety/depression. It was pretty debilitating and based on all the symptoms I was experiencing my doctor recommended medication. It’s been 2 weeks since starting the meds and I’ve started to feel kind of numb. I still love my baby but for some re...
Have you left your baby overnight ? We did for the first time in November and it was a disaster, my in laws lied to us about things but my baby was fine. I’m really struggling to organise another trip away but we have a wedding that is child free so will have to leave her. How do you cope ? I’m having major anxiety
We've hit the terrible twos this week! Everytime a boundary is put in place (I.e. we say no, have to get her dressed etc) it leads to a full blown meltdown! Screaming and foot stomping. Nothing calms her. Has anyone found anything that works? Or can offer any advice? I sit near her, sometimes saying calmly 'it'...
I recently found out that im pregnant with baby #2 but i dont know if it just me but my 2 yr daughter is just being extra clingy and just wanting to be attached all day long to the point she crying when i put her down and any independent play she wants me to be apart of (which she was never like before) and i hones...
Today I was feeding my eight month old baby and suddenly I started to feel so sad for all of the babies that are suffering in the cold or are hungry tonight. I love my baby so much. She is so innocent. It makes my heart sad to think that any baby could be suffering right now.